POWIS MOVE TO EMPOWER WARD DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE IN SHP. This should be raised in the SH Development Forum or other appropriate forums on the social media but a comment has been raised on Governor Powis initiative to empower the ward development committees in SHP therefore I want to shade some light for the benefit of our Councillors. The ward development Committee is established in accordance with section 26 of the LLG Administrative Act of 1997 and it has always been around but no leader or government has given prominence to empower it to achieve its purpose and meaning of its existence. Its primary role is to a) to be the principal community advisory unit for the ward to the Local-level Government; and (b) to determine the needs of the ward in relation to services, programmes and infrastructure. so that the wards meaningfully participate and benefit from the Powi governments developmental initiatives. The Ward development committee will submit its five year rolling plan to the LLG for funding from its K500,000.00 allocated annually by the National government in grants and the Governor will provide counter fundings when fund becomes available. The Governor has no control of LLG grants in SHP and there is no such fund called Ward Development Funds from the National Government given to our councillors too. On the onset, the move made by governor Powi to empower the Ward Development Committee is the best way forward in managing the peoples expectations at the community level. the governor made the decision during the PEC meeting in Nipa and he is now looking at options and alternatives to empower the ward development committees. In the meantime, each wards and their councillors are tasked to conduct their meetings to appoint their ward development committees and draw up the 5 year rolling plan. May I also ask the critics out there to hold your fire until the concept is implemented please.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 10:58:42 +0000

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