PPP Observed Z.A. Bhutto’s 35th Death Anniversary: Adopt Z.A. - TopicsExpress


PPP Observed Z.A. Bhutto’s 35th Death Anniversary: Adopt Z.A. Bhutto’s Kashmir Policy: Hilal War to Pakistan Govt. Srinagar, Apr 4, 2014: The People’s Political Party (PPP) today demanded a fresh probe into the assassination of its founder president Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. A high level meeting of Bhutto Memorial Trust (BMT) and PPP was held to commemorate Bhuttos 35th death anniversary of founder Chairman of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) and former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto at PPP headquarters, Rajbag, Srinagar, Kashmir with fervour. ‘Quran Khwani’ was arranged on the occasion following which the participants offered Quaran Khawani and ‘dua’. The meeting was presided over by All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) leader and PPP Chairman, Engineer Hilal Ahmad War. The PPP and BMT leaders paid rich tribute to the great leader in recognition of his life-long struggle for the stability, integrity and democracy of Pakistan and Kashmir cause. Mr. War elucidated Bhutto’s vision of a united Muslim world. He was a top notch politician and an intellectual, said Engineer Hilal War, Chairman PPP. Mr. Bhutto rendered many sacrifices time and again to ensure Pakistan became democratically strong, said War adding it is because of this that the anti-democratic forces in Pakistan engineered his murder. But his voice lives in our hearts and will keep guiding us through and through. PPP Chief demanded the reopening of the Shaheed Z.A. Bhutto’s murder case, so that the perpetrators are brought to book. War said Bhutto created thousands of Bhuttos after his assassination. He was such a strong inspiration that many Bhuttos were born as a result of his martyrdom, said War. War said Bhutto not only threw challenge to the anti-democratic forces in Pakistan but he was a thorn in the flesh of the anti-Muslim forces worldwide. The PPP leader called for a judicial inquiry into what they called the assassination of the PPP founder. The PPP leader said the Pakistan was facing different challenges and was passing through a critical phase. He said as a result of ill-advised Kashmir Policy pursued by the government of Pakistan damaged the Kashmir case at international level. He vowed to continue his struggle for the rights of self-determination the people of Kashmir in order to translate the dream (Greater Pakistan) of Shaheed Z.A. Bhutto into reality. On the occasion PPP leaders heaped praise on Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto for his services to the party and the country. PPP leader vowed to continue the Mission of Shaheed Z.A. Bhutto.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 09:01:55 +0000

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