PPTA PUNJAB AND HOD,s OF LAHORE MEETING ON PMDC DEFAMATORY PUBLIC NOTICE Venue:Ciros pomodoros Date:3rd October 2014 Participants: 1) Dr Saleha Saleem BUkhari (Principal School Of PHysiotherapy ,KEMU) 2) Dr Amir Saeed (SZH,,PPTA Punjab President) 3) Dr Abid Minhas (HoD Wapda Hospital Lahore, Vice president PPTA) 4) Dr Ehsan ( HoD University of South Asia) 5) Dr Hafiz Muhamad Asim (Principal LCPT) 6) Dr Muhammd Ashfaq (HoD UOL) 7) Dr Rashid Hafeez Nasir ( Riphah Lahore Campus) 8) Dr zahid bhatti (LCPT) 9) Dr Hafiz Sheraz ( HOD Superior University) 10) Dr Sajid Mehmood (GTTH,National Hospital) 11) Dr Shahzada Iftikhar (Shalamar Hospital LAhore) 12) Dr Haseebullah (LCPT, Web secretary PPTA Punjab) 13) Dr Ali Shahzad (LCPT) 14) Dr Danish Hassan (University of sargodha,Lahore Campus) 15) Dr Muhammad Mohsin (General Secretary PPTA) Agenda Items: A) PMDC Defamatory Public Notice about Prefix Dr. B) Current Status Of Council. C) Future Line of Action D) Effective Role Of Association and Reforms Required E) Resolution For Unity Of Professionals. Brief Minutes of Meeting: 1) The Meeting was started By Dr muhammad Mohsin in Name of ALLAH .He welcomed all the dignitaries and Shared the Challenges faced by our profession.He Stressed on Burying the Hatchet in best interest of our beloved profession and we all should move forward for a better future.Agenda was shared with respected delegates and explained the need of said meeting. 2) Dr Saleha Saleem Initiated the discussion on matter of PMDC controversial notification by asking suggestion from the house. 3) Dr Abid Minhas Discussed about line of actions by two ways a)Role of Press Release b) Presentation and a case forwarded to PMDC Registrar. 4) Dr Saleha Saleem Inquired About The private Sector Academics and Advertisement which is also under heavy criticism from majority. 5) Dr Muhammad Ashfaq Explained Uol management is helpful and we are ready to do something practical about it. 6) Dr Rashid Requested to stick to Agenda and we should avoid marginal issue. 7) Dr Amir Saeed Stressed on The Legal Cover Of this notification and give proposal of hiring a lawyer to Give Reply to PMDC and before giving a press release. 8) Dr Zahid Bhatti Said Ignore the notification. 9) Dr Shazada Iffitikhar explained the problems he is facing at Shalamar Hospital and we cannot ignore the notification As it has already done so much damage. 10) Dr Rashid Asked For Plan A,Plan B,and Plan C to cope this problem as this is important for Community dignity. 11) Dr Ehsan gave his point of view that notification has of mild importance as its only a resolution by PMDC and we should pass a resolution against it and after consulting lawyer should publish in newspaper. 12) Dr Ashfaq also proposed if writ petition is made against PMDC in courts and ask other oppressed community for this. 13)Dr Hafiz Muhammad Asim said there is no importance of PPTA as it is not registered.He said this meeting is not of PPTA For him.He lashed at private Sector DPT Programs.Issue of Council was discussed that Why PPTA name Was added in proposed draft of Council. 14) Dr Amir Saeed Explained role of PPTA Punjab in Council formation and submission of Draft in KPK Government.Tis is the same draft which was presented to DG Health at federal level so PPTA Name is worth mentioning. 15)Dr Hafiz Asim said the key to This PMDC issue is that everyone In Respective University Should Write A Letter To Vice Chancellor as curriculum of DPT is made law by Universities mode of structure and he has already written a letter to VC UHS. Which Focusses that Universities will Tell PMDC That its not his purview to restrain any one from using Prefix Dr. 16) Out of all Options It was Concluded by Dr Ashfaq that everyone must Write a letter to University Vice Chancellors and university give us Right To Use PrefixDr as Suggested By Dr Hafiz Muhammad Asim.Role of HEC was also questioned but no one backed Hec. 17) Registration Of PPTA and reforms in PPTA InfrAstructure was Also demanded which was Endorsed By General secretary PPTA Dr Muhammad Mohsin. 18)A Contradictory Note by General Secretary PPTA Punjab was also conveyed to President and vice president regarding Outcome of Letter to Vice chancellors against PMDC . General Secretary PPTA (Punjab) Dr MUhammad Mohsin.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 18:52:58 +0000

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