PR/ COYOTE/MODEL/SINGER for PUB/BAR IN SINGAPORE FOR THAILAND FEMALE. * Venue: bar/pub/club in Singapore. * Plane ticket, transport, accommodation all provided by company. * Salary will be out monthly. * All the pub/bar/club are not pangky pangky places. * Company will guarantee the girls safety during in Singapore. Please add my wechat kevkev1990 or pm/inbox me. DISCO A & B (COYOTE & MODEL ONLY) (only for Thai pretty girls, model standard) - must work at least 26 days - Airplane return ticket (2 way ticket), provided by us. - Show money in immigration by the time u want to enter SG chop passport, if immigration people ask u do u have money to come to singapore , the girls themselves must prepared. - Lady salary monthly -If girl can only get chop 7 days visa, no commission given , only basic salary. -If girl got send back by immigration, air ticket we pay. -If the girl got send to the office in immigration by the time they wanna chop passport to enter SG, we will try to help them to settle the problem. -If we buy ticket but the girl doesnt take flight/never come/ sick ,Thai side must pay back the ticket money to us. -Target $225/ day from flowers & ladies drinks. -Salary $180/ day. -Over target, get extra 40%-50% commission. -If no hit target.. No salary.. Just commission only 50%-60% of the total flower and ladies drinks you sell. DISCO C (PR/ MODEL/ SINGER) -They must work at least 24 days - Plane ticket - pay by us -Show money for the immigration, if they ask you do u have money to come visit here by the the time u wanna enter SG chop passport - the girls themselves must prepare for this. -Girls Salary monthly. -If girl only get chop visa for 7 days, no commission given , only basic salary. -If girl got send back by immigration, air ticket we pay. -If the girl got send to the office in immigration by the time they wanna chop passport to enter SG, we will try to help them to settle the problem. -If we buy ticket but the girl doesnt take the flight/ disappear /sick ,Thai side must pay back the ticket money to us. MODEL SALARY FOR DISCO C: - Commission based, 50% of the total flowers and ladies drinks. - Target $2000/month. SINGER OPTION SALARY PACKAGE FOR DISCO C (choose 1 u like): Package A: - Commission based 50% of the total flowers and ladies drinks. - Target $2000/month. Package B: - Basic salary $1400 , Plus 30% commission of the total flower and ladies drinks. - Target $4000/month. - If no hit target, basic salary will be cut. NOTE. - For presentable looking girls & not fat. - The pub/ club are not hangky pangky place. Its just a normal pub/ club where people come to drink. No customer allowed to forced girls do inappropriate things. - passports hold by the girls, so they free to go out shopping or whatever during free time.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 05:22:27 +0000

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