PRACTICAL CORRUPTION IN NIGERIA AND ITS IMPACTS! 1. Favoritism and Nepotism..This has impacted negatively in our societies. It has made unemployment at its peak, and had brought down the standard of our labor force and had given room for low output in the society. 2. Abuse of office ...Especially our public officers and officials and this had discouraged many people,who are qualified to have gotten promotion for years but are deprived. This discourages the young staff and makes them look for sharp practices....This makes them seek for grafts before transferring a common file in an office. sirens are blown by our politicians, intimidating the masses and making them believe they belong to a segregated or downgraded sect of the society. misappropiation of funds in offices and embezzlement which the media had also helped a long way in negatively influencing the mentality of the common men.. 3. Subtle laws enacted for a certain class of people...For goodness sake, what is the essence of plea bargaining? the situation in Nigeria is that which appraises the corrupt rich men in the society even to the courts and a huge punishment for the punishment for the poor. It encourages the poor to be wise and to look ways to be corrupt too to becoming rich! 4. Lack of strict implementation of our laws: It is when some of us are in Nigeria that we break so many laws because of whom wr know and we obey same laws abroad..its a pity! 5. Nigerians prefer Shortcuts! we prefer shortcuts to achieving our aims. Instead of getting funds to do the normal thing and the upright, we prefer to bribe our ways to acieve our aims...vehicle particulars, promotion, passing exams, employments etc 6. Corruption in election matters.. 7. Inequality in the country! You see some people influence employments. when the employee gets to work, has no drive to perform and cant be fired cos of who brought him or her..U see people on a queue and some one comes thereafter, and he is being attended to before others who arrived earlier. So pathetic! 8. Tribalism and sentiments! He is our son, He is from my home town, he is my fathers friend, he is a muslim, he is a christian etc.. Ladies and gentlemen, its quite saddening how corruption has become a fabric we put on everyday in this nation. but what are d way forward with our mentality in this country! What are we doing to curtail this perpetually saddening habit? .where will this take us too?
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 10:47:31 +0000

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