PRACTICE WHAT WE PREACH AND KNOW WHO WE FOLLOW!!!! I dont usually tell long stories on social media but I will break this tradition today. I feel this story can be a breakthrough for someone as it was for me. That is only reason I am sharing. *Carter and Tess stayed home from church today because Caca has had a fever for a few days. So Olivia and I went to church. Pastor Matts sermon was mostly about what our churchs focus is for the year. He stated things like remaining focused on Christ being at the center of all, do things that are ministering the gospel and not fluff and making sure we dont have our Christian huddle. Basically keeping those folk that either we dont want in our huddle or those we dont believe belong in our huddle. Overall it was very good stuff. Well after service I went to my Sunday morning class I teach. We are doing The Story study and we are on chapter 23. Jesus begins his ministry in this chapter. Three stories we went over where the women at the well, Jesus eating with sinners ect. and Jesus healing crippled mans hand on Sabbath. What the conclusion was that Christ chose People over everything. He put people in need of hope, physical needs and salvation above all else. Now church is over and Olivia and I went to Taco Bell and kept lunch simple. Then we went to Target for a few groceries and get Carter a truck because he hasnt been feeling good. After that we started to head home. As I was pulling up to intersection a man was standing there with a sign. I looked over the sign really fast. It said something about needing help, lost job ect. While stopped I noticed he kept his head down and was physically shaking. My first thought was how sad, he is putting on an act just so people will feel extra sorry for him. Then while pulling away I talked myself into going to Krispy Kreme and getting him a hot chocolate. (My good deed of the day) While going to pick it up I thought about what he was wearing. Just a thin windbreaker so I thought I could give him my warm winter SilverHorn coat. I tried to talk myself out of it by saying I cant give him that, I dont have anymore in that color and size for me. How selfish!!!! I have 3 winter jackets at home. So I took it off, got hot chocolate and went back to give it to him. It worked out that It was perfect timing and I was at red light right next to him. Rolled down my window and handed him the hot chocolate. He wouldnt take it. The shaking was no joke, he was literally balling his eyes out when I pulled up and shaking from the cold. As I was handing him the drink he said I cant take it, I dont want to be doing this. He finally accepted. As I looked into his eyes while trying to give him my coat I could only start balling myself as I understood how broken this man was. All I could say to him waskeep strong, keep your head up, keep fighting, I love you and God has bigger plans for him in life. Crying the whole way home I could only think of his face. He had NO hope, he was broken, he didnt want to be out there. I learned so much from this encounter. That man could be me. That man should be me. If I didnt have people around me that didnt pick me up when I didnt deserve it, I would be that broken too. Christ has shown his constant grace and NONE of us ever deserved it. He put people first. I had my thoughts if that man deserved my grace. Shame on me. Im the one that was blessed by him.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 22:19:30 +0000

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