PRACTICES OF HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL CHRISTIAN LEADERS By Sunday Reuben Jnr. CEO/Principal Consultant-Brainstorm leadership academy, Nigeria February produced 10 practices that when put together produce a wonderful profile of a Highly Successful Christian Leader. 1. Highly Successful Christian Leaders Exalt Christ (1 Thes 1:2-10) – Spirit-filled Christians preach Jesus, talk about Jesus, sing about Jesus, and makes Jesus the center of everything they do. 2. Highly Successful Christian Leaders Rethink Success – What made you successful today will not keep you successful tomorrow. Nike CEO Mark Parker understand this principle. He defiantly says, “One of my fears is being this big slow, constipated, bureaucratic, company that’s happy with its success.” 3. Highly Successful Christian Leaders Have Integrity – Unto whom much is given, much is required. Lance Armstrong was recently named America’s most disliked athlete. The problem – He lied. Not only did he lie but he did so from a large platform. The lesson for Christian leaders is that the larger your platform, the more vital your personal character is. It also teaches us that even the largest platforms can be lost in an instant because of poor judgment. 4. Highly Successful Christian Leaders Think Big - Christian leaders should think big and not get stuck in the weeds. If you think big enough, the weeds will take care of themselves. 5. Highly Successful Leaders Give Up Being Angry – Christian leaders do not lead by fear. Allow your team the freedom to make mistakes. This newfound creativity will take your organization to new heights. 6. Highly Successful Leaders Value Loyalty – Being loyal does not make a person a leader. However, being disloyal disqualifies a person from leadership. 7. Highly Successful Leaders Produce Under Pressure - Regardless of how much pressure you may be experiencing, great leaders simply find a way to get the job done. New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Payton says, “We evaluate the quarterback on his ability to take the team down the field and into the end zone with a championship on the line.” 8. Highly Successful Leaders Value People – Do you love people? I mean, really love people? You can never go wrong as a leader when you see the good in everyone. When you look at what a person can be rather than what they currently are, you are on your way to becoming a leader worth following. 9. Highly Successful Christian Leaders Continually Improve I recently informed my Team Research Associates that in our jet age now, the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams and information science becomes all technique and technology involve in building bridges with research education. Therefore, without utilizing the core values of its uses, it quickly degenerates into man against humanity. Information System Technologies comes from the paradigms of science. And if there’s very little understanding of the higher human purposes that the technology is striving to serve, we shouldn’t become victims of our own technocracy.. if your find yourself as a leader. you must have “a relentless quest to continue to improve.” 10. Highly Successful Christian Leaders Produce Growing Leaders -The wonderful Christian leader and blogger Bishop David Oyedepo-Winners Chapel International states, “If you are indeed growing in your leadership then you should see evidence of a growing number of leaders emerging whom you are building into.” FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If you master these 10 practices, you are most likely a Highly Successful Christian Leader. What is one thing on this list you can do today to improve as a Christian leader? As qualities of a Successful Leader proves that knowledge is necessary for anyone to become a successful leader, but even more importantly he or she must have a sound vision for the future of their ministry or organization along with the ability to create a good working team. Brainstorm Leadership Academy, Nigeria has help many of organizations across nations for leaders to have positive Plans objectives and reach its certain goals. Our online research learning and consulting services with our partnering networks and client rate us outstanding in area of strategic marketing and leadership management service and training which all our experts are specializing in helping religious, government and private or public product/services companies and ministries discover and optimize new revenue streams and to better leverage existing ones. For more information on best leadership success, please follow our blogs on facebook page at facebook/brainstormleadershipacademy,nigeria.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 21:33:48 +0000

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