PRAISE ELOHEIM (GOD) IN ALL THINGS! By sister Tsnu’ah - TopicsExpress


PRAISE ELOHEIM (GOD) IN ALL THINGS! By sister Tsnu’ah Mesharetet (Carol) Saints of El Elyon (God Most high), Children of the living King, give honor and glory to Our God in all things. He will hear and bless us all in His Glory! He will carry us through in the midst of great trial and tribulation, and persecution! God is our strong tower. When God is for us, who can be against us! We can stand firm and Stand Strong with our feet firmly planted on THE ROCK OF OUR SALVATION, Y’Shua (Jesus), no matter what obstacles may be placed before us when we least expect it in our spiritual walk with Him or even what new surprises He places right in front of us to test us! Let’s lift our hands high to the heavens in Holy Praise and Worship to our King of King’s, Lord of Lord’s even in the midst of rejection, or persecution or tribulation of any kind! He loves us all with a strong and powerful Agape love unto death of even our bodies, not a spiritual death for we stand strong in the midst of all things with Faith unto the end, although may be Character Building such as getting the rest of any Pride you may have which God hates! Y’Shua (Jesus) was totally without any pride and His great example of humility is our example to follow all of our Day’s and especially if your greatest desire is to be like Him! We know that it was through past trial and tests, we have past the tests and received, [[[[[[[THE GIFT OF FAITH, ]]]]]]]because we had learned what true perseverance and endurance is all about through Our Father! We had experienced for ourselves what Long Suffering and Patience truly is. Waiting upon His will, standing firm in the Faith knowing what promise He had already spoken to us that He would fulfill all to His Glory in Our life! Again, I am speaking of my own experience in my own life! He heard and answered my prayer and others. He healed me so I could see it transform right before my eyes although it took over 4 years o waiting patiently upon His will! Trust and believe and you will receive, just continue to praise God in the midst of it all and read and study His holy Word to test approved in the end! Our Father only wants what is best for all of His Children; His called out and chosen ones! The one’s who are separate from this world and not at all a part of it! The Chosen and called Children of God! Praise the Lord always for He desires to make us whole and complete in Him if we desire to follow Him and be holy like he is Holy and know him a He truly is! But be very careful what you pray! All Things Are Possible with God! He does hear and answer prayer! It was through Great Trial and Tribulation and having to wait upon the will of the Lord maybe for several years, knowing without a doubt it was the will of Our Father and this was in my own life and am sure many others all over this world! Many years ago I witnessed firsthand Our Father’s wonder working miracles in Signs and wonders in my own life and in many other’s in so many way’s. Eloheim (God) never changes!!! He is the same yesterday, today and will be tomorrow! Eloheim (God) is very much alive and through the Holy Spirit in Fire and all of His Glory and Power and Great Agape Love! When this world tries to tear you down, praise God and his Holy Spirit will come down when the heavens open wide as a mighty rushing wind overflowing upon you all in His glory covering you with His anointed holiness, and protection! His Holy presence will lift you high and out of all of your sorrow and pain, disappointment of life and being dismayed remembering always all that our great Loving Messiah (Christ) endured for all of us that Faithful day! God loves us all with such an amazing and enduring love. Greater than you have ever known! Praise God in all things, always! Hallelu-YAH, Glory, Glory, Glory Hallelu-YAH! You Father are the Alpha and the Omega, The first and the last, the beginning and the end…The Great I AM! All Glory and Honor Belongs to You Our Loving Father for ever more! It Is Written: O Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will praise Your name, for You have done wonderful things, even purposes planned of old [and fulfilled] in faithfulness and truth. (Isaiah 25:1 AMP) To grant [consolation and joy] to those who mourn in Zion—to give them an ornament (a garland or diadem) of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment [expressive] of praise instead of a heavy, burdened, and failing spirit—that they may be called oaks of righteousness [lofty, strong, and magnificent, distinguished for uprightness, justice, and right standing with God], the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. (Isaiah 61:3 AMP) HALLELU-YAH!!! HALLELU-YAH!!! {{{{{{{ GLORY, GLORY, GLORY!!! }}}}}}} EL ELYON (GOD MOST HIGH) IS WORTHY OF ALL HONOR AND PRAISE AND GLORY IN ALL THINGS!!! IN ALL WAYS!!! NOW AND FOREVER!!! {{{{{{{PRAISE YOUR ALMIGHTY NAME ABOVE ALL OTHER’S!!!}}}}}} YOU ARE WORTHY!!! YOU ARE WORTHY!!! YOU ARE HIGH AND LIFTED UP TO THE HEAVENS!!! WE GLORIFY YOUR HOLY NAME!! HALLELU-YAH!!! {{{{{YOU LIFTED US OUT OF THIS DARK WORLD AND SET US APART AND CALLED US YOUR OWN!!!}}}}} YOU SET US FREE TO WORSHIP AND PRAISE YOU HOW EVER WE PLEASE!!! GLORY TO YOUR NAME!!!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 17:04:27 +0000

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