PRAISE FOR SIBERIAN HELLHOLE “The whole novel is a portrait - TopicsExpress


PRAISE FOR SIBERIAN HELLHOLE “The whole novel is a portrait of extreme contrasts, and luckily, it is not a horror for horror sake novel, hellbent on just scaring you out of your wits. The psychopathic dementia and political machinations of the demonic hordes are balanced in stark colors to the piety of some Christian characters who fearfully and secretly stand against the suppressed religiosity of Communist Russia, which Mulvihill diatribes throughout. There are cerebral passages filled with light and beauty here, as well as an intense spiritual desire to escape the prison of economic and spiritual repression that in some way channel the spirits of the old masters, like Dostoevsky. Intense psychological probing is a characteristic of the novel, both of extreme evil and of good, and the dialogue is some of the best going in novel writing at the moment. The structure of the novel is near perfect.” Matt Gunderson, Boston Globe Correspondent, Author of The Ajnir “It grabs hold of the readers nerves right away & it never lets go. I would say that if you read it alone at night, you might even get a bit nervous if you hear any sudden noises in your house or apartment, because the atmosphere in this book gets so heavy & spooky in general. This book really had me in great suspense from beginning to end.” Dorien Grey, I Bet I can fine 1 million people who like dark gothic horror A tale of post perestroika Russia-intriguing. John C. Miller author Considerately paced, extremely well written work that meditates on the nature of good and evil and examines the human apathy that allows evil to thrive and exist. Mulvihill is an incredibly gifted writer. His prose flows beautifully from one sentence to the next and I found myself having to stop several times just to admire his fantastic use of language. He is never unnecessarily flamboyant either, using the right words and not the biggest or the most complex ones. As a writer Michael Mulvihill has talent to burn. Stuart Smith, ukhorrorscene “Mulvihill mixes a wild blend of psychology, psychic energy, and psychoses in shaping his hero and several other supporting characters, all memorable in their own right” Anne M. Stickel, blackpetals Horror/Science Fiction Zine “Chapter One was an exceptional mix of Edgar Allen Poe and H.P. Lovecraft with a dash of Bruce Campbell absurdity to be entertaining.” John Steiner, Speculative Fiction Author “There is vampires, zombies, winged demons and the Devil himself (Who could ask for anything more)?”…Dizzy Dee A honest book, written from the heart, with a strong spiritual message. The book is a narrative story, with various distillations of thought. It deserves to be widely read. Maria Perry Mohan Paranormal Romance Review “A tip of the hat should also be given to the realization of the characters in Siberian Hellhole. It is evident that a staggering amount of thought went into them. Characters like Tobias, Sergei, and Lyuba are given pasts and personalities that justify every decision they make throughout the story.” Garrett Davis SURREAL AND GROTESQUE MAGAZINE. If there is a portal to hell, surely it would be in Siberia which is described as a cold dark godforsaken place. I made the mistake of starting to read this on my terrace in the moonlight by the light of my kindle. Bad mistake, I was so un-nerved by the narrative and the night birds that I had to stop and crawl into bed beside my slumbering husband. Not many books create an atmosphere like that for me.”J.A. Skinner, “Mulvihill paints a portrait of a point in time that is riveting and relevant it helped draw me into the very believable world Mulvhill has created. Even the appearance of the Devil himself fits in nicely. Siberian Hellhole is a great read and highly recommended.” Scott E. Colbert
Posted on: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 21:38:19 +0000

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