PRAISE REPORT: Bev & I had a wonderful visit with mom today. We - TopicsExpress


PRAISE REPORT: Bev & I had a wonderful visit with mom today. We asked her if she felt like getting up out of bed. She smiled and nodded yes. So, we proceeded to raise the head of the bed up and assist her in sitting up on the side of the bed. With that said - you have to understand that we havent known a lot of detail about her physical therapy status the last couple weeks. Which means we werent real sure if mom could simply stand for us. There are so many people involved in her care & its almost impossible to speak with the same person every day regarding what exactly happened with therapy. Up until now they have been getting mom up with a lift. Literally hoisting her up out of bed to the wheelchair. Well - leave it to Bev & I to challenge that 😉 While sitting up on the side of the bed we told mom we just wanted her to stand up for us. She looked at us like yall are crazy.... but after much coercion she grabbed around my neck while I lifted under her arms. I told her to just stand up and give me a hug and she could sit right back down. VOILA...... she used all her strength to stand to her 2 feet with Bev & I assisting her. She stood straight up - looked me in the eye and planted a sweet kiss on my left cheek!!!! 💜 Beverly & I were elated and tearful all at the same time. We sat her back down on the side of the bed & could not quit praising her. She was so proud of herself! Mom missed a couple of days in therapy last week because of the insane nausea she has been dealing with. So, we were excited to see her do this on a Saturday. Weekends are usually no therapy days. The care partner came in while she was sitting on the side of the bed to get her vitals. She told us mom had been to therapy this morning and worked well with them. They are also coming back to get her for more therapy tomorrow. This is GREAT news! It means mom gets to make up those couple of days missed this week. She wanted to get in the wheelchair & go for a little stroll through the garden area. So - off we went strolling outside for some fresh air & sunshine. When she was ready to go back to her room - she simply said Im ready to go back now.... as plain as day. Not only is her physical therapy improving - but the speech is improving as well!! Mom is making huge strides towards her healing place. It is amazing how far she has come since the shunt placement. That surgery was seriously a game changer! It makes our hearts smile when we walk in to see her having a good day - with a good attitude & forward progress. As ready as we are to get her home - we all realize standing and being able to walk safely here @ home are 2 very different things. We are prepared to continue with our journey in patience with regards to when coming home will happen. Today is a good day full of good things! If there is anything we have learned through this journey - it is to take one day @ a time & be so thankful for another day. Thank you for your continued concern & prayers. Keep them coming! I will update again soon with her progress! Love to all
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 03:24:52 +0000

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