PRAISE REPORT! Thankful! UPDATE ON TRACY HIGHTOWER Tracy was hospitalized in January 2014 and was diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer of the small intestines, pancreas, and stomach. The physician said that they could not operate because of fear that the cancer would spread. He called to inform of his diagnosis on February 12, 2014. We immediately started praying with him for Gods healing to his body. Today, April 15, 2014 Tracy called us with the praise report below: * Tracy received a report from the doctors that his INTESTINES are CLEAR, his PANCREAS are CLEAR, and the cancer in the STOMACH has decreased from the size of A SOFTBALL (14.7 cm.) to the size of A SMALL MARBLE (1 cm.). Tracy has gained weight from 159 lbs. to 180 lbs. We realize that it was the prayers and the fasting of the believers that touched our God on the throne for these results. We give ALL OF YOU a sincere proclamation of THANKS for praying for OUR SON & OUR FAMILY during this TRIAL OF OUR FAITH. Please continue to pray for a complete work by God on the 1 cm. of cancer that lingers at the bottom of Tracys stomach. Tracy mentioned that the physician now wants to operate to remove the remaining 1 cm of cancer. He testified to his physician that it was the prayers that had been sent up by the saints that made the difference, although the physician thinks differently. We had prayer with him and suggested that he seeks God for an answer whether to have the operation or not. He said to tell everyone, Thank you for the prayers! We know that all things work together for the good to them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. God bless you all. Moses, Thelma, Tracy, Daniel, and Rashall
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 20:19:43 +0000

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