PRAISE THE PRAISE LORD!!! November11, 2013 I finally sat down to - TopicsExpress


PRAISE THE PRAISE LORD!!! November11, 2013 I finally sat down to start this newsletter. We’ve been back from Brazil for 10 days now but have had so many things to do I couldn’t get to it. Our trip to Brazil was a great success. Linda and I spoke at churches most every night, and helped Sergio show the Jesus film several times. During our time there we saw people accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, some got baptized in the Holy Spirit, some were healed and, our biggest highlight – we ordained our dear friend, Sergio, as a Minister of Evangelism. I doubt if any Americans had ever been in that area. We became well known by a sound truck driving up and down the streets announcing our names and that we were to be speakers at several churches. Every church we ministered in left a door open for us to return. What Linda and I actually went down for was to help Sergio establish an evangelistic ministry of his own. We first met him in 1990 when we were in Brazil doing an evangelistic outreach for Teen Missions for about 5 months. It has been his heart to continue the same type of outreach. He invited us down to help kick off the new program. He and his family are by no means wealthy and surely needs our help. . The outreach existed of showing the Jesus film along with other Christian films out in the streets, highways and byways. He already had a computer and a projector. I took him to the hardware store, then built a portable screen to be used for ministry. We also brought down with us a portable sound system I had used in Guyana along with a very long extension cord. It was perfect. When we left home, it worked perfectly, but, after the trip, it wouldn’t work at all. Sergio had a close friend who fixed things like this. I was frightened when he took it all apart and afraid he would never get it back together again. Praise God!!! He did and it worked. Believe it or not, that was the highlight to my whole trip. Everyone was jumping for joy. Many of the Pastor’s down there lorded over the people, so I did a teaching on foot washing showing them from Jesus’ example that the greatest were to be servants of all. Then we did a foot washing. Not all the pastors were willing to humble themselves to wash anyone’s feet. This gives you an idea of how things were. The most successful night was the Marriage Enrichment seminar Linda and I put together. Although they cut out the first of the 3 nights it was to be held, it went over very well with many couples renewing their vows. I am so proud of Linda. She has proved to be an anointed speaker. Being we were right on the equator, things were quite hot. Services were held beginning at eight in the evening because of it. Churches had no air, only fans. This left Linda and I cooped up in a small hotel room most of the day as most people worked and there wasn’t much opportunity to minister then. We really didn’t mind much except the air conditioner worked when it felt like it. And then sometimes the power would go out. We played a lot of cards, prayed a lot and studied our messages. We could have gone out but it was too hot. There wasn’t much to see and everyone spoke Portuguese so we couldn’t talk to them unless Sergio was with us. Alenquer is a very poor town. Anyone that had a car was considered well-off. The main mode of transportation was by dirt bike. I figure there must’ve been at least 15 dirt bikes to every car. We traveled that way ourselves at times. We were blessed to have our room and meals provided for each day and discovered some really good things to eat – and not eat. One of our favorite juices was Star Fruit juice. Yummmmm! The Brazilians are big on meat and we had some very tasty dishes – mostly barbecued. Most all of the places we ate at were outside. The way they make hamburgers is with a fried egg and Mayo on it. Actually, I liked it that way but Linda didn’t. She always told them to leave off the egg. Our preaching and teaching was a lot different from that of the Brazilian Pastors. They were used to shouting and hollering and a lot of jumping up and down. The preachers worked a lot on the people’s emotions with very little Word. Churches had been taken advantage of by what I call “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” Hired speakers would promise the people if they gave, miracles would happen in their lives. Visiting speakers would require big fees to speak, the best places to stay and, they would take up several offerings. Often they would they would leave bills for the church to pick up. They were definitely hirelings with little results. This truly saddened us. We also had the opportunity to do a live half hour Christian TV show where I pointed this out. Sergio and his family were wonderful to us and seemed like our own children. No one in that area spoke English and no one believed Sergio could speak English. They were all surprised when he interpreted for us. Before we ordained him and his wife, I read a list of the things he had done to be qualified to be ordained. The people were amazed at the many qualifications this humble man has. It was a blessed event and has brought a new meaning to their lives. We are hoping to start a Bible school there. The cost will be about $375 American dollars to provide it for them. Sergio would run it as well as his street ministry. If the Lord provides, Linda and I will go down to help him start it. This is a blessing for me because I have decided not to back to Guyana. Marv and everyone in Guyana agreed it was best. The blessing came when Linda was in full agreement that we should be working closer together again. Her heart went out – as well as min – to Brazil. We believe that is where God wants us to work at this time. The cost would not be much different than Guyana as there were so many extras monies we had to come up with for Guyana. We were invited to a get-a-way weekend in the mountains for a day and a half at the end of our trip. When we left to go, Maria (Sergio’s wife) gave us a heavy cloth. I asked what it was for and she said to keep the dust out of your nose and mouth. She sure knew what she was talking about. When we got there, my white hair had turned red from the dusty re dirt roads much to Lind’s amusement. We ended up at a farm in the mountains. The get-a-way trip, to my surprise, included about 30 other Christian people. Not what I expected, but still a way to get to know the people better. How do you sleep that many people? Easy. Everyone brings a hammock. One of the things we always find are need of the people we visit. Sergio, his wife and three children have only a dirt bike to get around on. His street ministry requires some type of transportation to haul his equipment. A van or truck is greatly needed. I know this is a big request, but if anyone feels led to donate in that area it would be thankfully received. We praise the Lord for the many salvations and lessons learned by the churches and through the street ministry. After being gone for 3 weeks, we came home to lots of paper- Work and problems we didnt expect. First off, while I was in Guyana I threw my back out and began having difficulties with my legs. It didnt really show up until after 3 consecutive plane trips. It appears I have Sciatic nerve problems that have left me in pain and limping around. Being cramped in the planes set it off. The Brazil flight was the worse. it took 18 hours to get to our Destination and 28 hours to get back. I have been going to the Chiropractor for 12 days with little relief. They have give me stretching exercises to do twice a day that I dread but, I do them anyway I would really appreciate your prayers about this. I know it would help. I feel secure in leaving th e ministry in Guyana with Marv Marquette. He is more than capable in continuing the ministry there. Mostly, he has a great love for the people. That’s the most important thing. I signed over the boat, the motor and any of our equipment to him. Due to the physical problems I had there, I know I will be unable to continue ministering in Guyana. I will miss the people there but Linda and I also know that God had called us to Brazil for a season and are lookin forward to seeing what HE will do through us. . He has given us a heart for the people there. We grateful for all your prayers and financial support allowing us to do God’s work. Your generosity for the Brazil trip gave us enough funds to give Sergio $250 toward the expenses incurred while we were there. Thank you. If you would like to contribute tax-deductible funds to our work in Brazil and here in Florida, please send your donations to: New Beginnings Outreach Ministries, Inc. or N.B.O.M. 23 Vermont Ave. Rockledge, FL 32955 Due to government regulations, please do not put our name anywhere on the check. If you want to designate a donation to a truck fund for Sergio, please write “Truck Fund” in the memo section of the check. Thank you. We pray Gods abundant blessings and provisions upon all of you! Im tired and I wanna go home! TED & LINDA [email protected] ( 321) 633-0432
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 13:40:39 +0000

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