PRAISE YOU O GOD, PRAISE YOU The most beautiful “love letter” - TopicsExpress


PRAISE YOU O GOD, PRAISE YOU The most beautiful “love letter” to us His church, from the Holy Spirit... Leila Nord. Leila writes, Fast forward to this morning, and I was prompted to go back to the book I have been reading and fellowshipping about, since March 19th… …or The Valentine Prophecies, TVP for short; written by the Holy Spirit and penned by the hand of a faithfully, obedient servant, David Dellit. Oh what a precious book. How blessed I have been, to have been introduced. Thank You Holy Spirit!!! Why? Because God and God alone, knows what we need, and when we need it. God alone, prepared the heart of David, to receive and deliver this divine instruction, to us His church. He, God, has invested years, in the preparation of David’s spirit, for the execution of His Perfect Will, in His Perfect Timing, in the form of TVP -- NOW! What I had written wasn’t wrong. But what God had written, was BEST for us, at this particular time, of this particular day; week; month; year! We are literally, running out of time. We don’t have time to run with every whim that takes our fancy – however RIGHT it may be. We need to KNOW that we KNOW what it is that God is saying, and why He is saying it; and what it is that He wants for us to do about it. And without that uninterrupted cord of intimacy with the Holy Spirit, we can never be sure, of that assurance. I had inadvertently severed that cord! That intimacy is very sensitive by nature, and must be nurtured, by a very sensitive, discerning spirit. Thank You Jesus, that we mended that cord, right away. And this letter is the result. It is to share with you the importance of uninterrupted intimacy with Jesus Christ, via the Holy Spirit. And it is to share just a part of TVP and hopefully, you will seek the book out for yourself, and read just what it is that God has in store for you, in these latter days, here on earth, via that book. Does it replace your Bible? NO! Does it give a fresh “call” - to all of you, who dare to be my lover, says the Lord? Yes! I highly recommend it to you. The most beautiful “love letter” to us His church, from the Holy Spirit, via David Dellit. Thank You Holy Spirit, and thank you David. I leave you with a taste… FULL DOCUMENT AT ...
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 05:43:26 +0000

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