PRAISING GOD, EVEN IN BAD TIMES: A SISTER’S PERSONAL EXPERIENCE A few days ago, during a conversation with one of my secretaries, I stressed the need to always “thank God in all things”. Immediately, she replied, “Sir that is very true. It is very, very true.” Sir, I have had a practical experience in this area”. According to my secretary, she was walking home one night, along a path she knew so well, and hence was quite relaxed as she walked along, though it was very dark. Suddenly, she knocked her foot against a stone. According to her, it was an excruciating pain, so she spent quite some time at this very spot, with her hands nursing the painful foot, as she asked herself, “Ah, who is this wicked and irresponsible person who placed this stone here?” According to her, she bent down for long time nursing the pain, and to her surprise, a car by passed her, but later stopped and reversed because she appeared familiar to the driver. Luckily, the occupant was a well-known friend, so he asked, “Ah, what are doing here all alone in this darkness, and at this hour”. Before she could reply, he asked her to quickly jump into the car. As they were getting close to the house, she opted to alight by the road side to enable her friend move on. But according to her, not only did the friend take her to the house, he insisted on taking her close to the door, which leads to her room. It was very dark, with no torchlight, so the friend decided to assist her, by using the car’s headlight to flash light on the door, just to enable her find her way to the room before departing. To their shock and amazement, at the very spot she normally stands to insert the key into the door, was perched a long venomous snake, coiled several times over, right in front of her door, as if, ‘purposely waiting just for her’. She told me, “Sir, I lived in that room all alone, and it was blackout, with no hospital, no vehicle readily available nor close by the area at the time. “Honestly, if I was struck with a bite, I might not even have known early enough it was a snake bite, because it was pitch dark, according to her. She said;Surely, without that foot accident, I am 100% sure I would have encountered that dangerous snake, perched in front of my door, unaware.” According to her, she would have arrived in the house at the very same time the car arrived in the house if she had continued walking, incident-free, based on the quick calculations she made. She said, “For me, up to today, I always thank my God for, unknowingly, knocking my foot against that stone, though it was very, very, painful. Now I know, God used that stone to save me from what could have been, maybe, a certain death. He used that strange stone, and a caring friend to come along at that strange hour, an even prompted him to take me close to my door, though, was in hurry going somewhere.” SUMMARY: It was a disaster in waiting, but God had a SUPER PLAN. Yes, God used a strange person to place a strange stone at a strange spot, to cause a strange foot accident to cause pain, thereby delaying her and prompted a friend to appear at that spot, at a strange hour, to save her from a waiting STRANGE venomous snake. THINK ABOUT THIS! KEY LESSON: God used PAIN and DELAY strategy to defuse the waiting DISASTER. God used pain to deliver this lady from a possible DANGER. Indeed His eyes is on those He LOVES, He delivers us in many ways, sometimes, using what we humans call, “PAIN” and “DELAY”. Hence “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 May God use His Divine Vehicle to give you a special lift in all dark areas of your life, speed up your progress in every area and, especially, use the headlight of his divine vehicles to expose hidden snakes on your path this year and always! If you agree, type AMEN. Think about the friend’s GOODNESS that saved this lady. You can also do so by sharing this message, by COPYING ENTIRE MESSAGE and pasting on someone’s page and be BLESSED. Show GOODNESS to someone who needs this to be LIFTED UP. Be KIND! God bless you……………… Kn Arku-lawson
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 08:06:34 +0000

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