PRAY FOR THOSE WHO WOULD ERASE THIS PRAYER REQUEST FROM THIS FACEBOOK PAGE. Status Update By Pegs Prayer Request List Prayer Request 10/12/14 Peggy Lawrence Whalen Prayer is more than a is a resolve of holy ambition to Glorify God. Pray for Gods wisdom in all aspects of your life. Allow Him to lead you in your decisions and actions and your life will be all it can be and more. As you pray for those listed on this prayer list I urge you to pray not only for their health needs but also for their Spiritual needs. Pray believing and it will be done, never doubt God for His plan is always best. To God be all the Glory. INFORMATION:**Disclaimer: at bottom of page! If you need anyone added Ill be glad to add them. Please pray for all listed on this prayer list. The prayer warriors that use this list are very powerful in their prayer life and I know from experience what powerful prayer can do for you. May God bless each one that uses this list for the good of Gods people.Please understand I put in this post exactly what I am asked to put in or what is posted on Facebook already. I do not Makeup my own posts. ATTENTION******I have taken all those with cancer an placed them in a list unless they have a treatment upcoming that I know about or a problem going on you will find them listed before the shut ins. Please check there each day for new additions. Thank You. DEATHS Please pray for the family & friends of Paula jackson. Please pray for the family & friends of Carl Ray Brewer who passed away sometime early 10/12. Please pray for the family and friends of Wendell Howard. Please be in prayer for Norma Kinsey and her family with the passing of her brother Donald Sargent. Remember the family of Wanda Edrington who passed away Wednesday.Her funeral is tomorrow at Macedonia at 11 oclock. Please pray for the family and friends of Randy Russ as it now appears he was murdered. Please pray for the family of Paul Eaton. Pray for families of suicide victims Please continue to keep the families of all those that have recently passed in your prayers. Help their loved ones through the coming days with your prayers. PRAISE FOR POSITIVE ANSWERED PRAYERS: THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER. Gilbert, Dougs Dad left the hospital this evening. Still weak and tired, but 98% better than when he entered it on Monday. God has worked powerfully in his life this week. He led the doctors in healing whatever took him down so swiftly on Monday. We still have very few answers,but we are blessed to have Gilbert still with us. Thank you Prayer warriors for all your prayers and Thank You God for your miracle. Praise God for Kristis baby girl Brynnli Sophia Kinman,She is finally home,. Praise God Luke got a good report from his check up. No signs of rejection of his transplanted heart. Praise God Jennas mom had her tumor and 1/3 of her lung removed and seems to be doing well. Jenna also received her own surgery date of 10/30 and was delighted to learn that both procedures will be done the same day. God is so good. All we have to do is ask. PRAYERS: Pray for world peace. Please pray for Iseral and Gaza Prayer Request from Dan and Marilyn Wilson Missionaries who are in the areas that are being attacked by ISIS are asking to be showered in prayer. ISIS has taken over the town they are in today. Pray for the upcoming elections that the right people for the jobs will be chosen Todays church to pray for is Dry Ridge Baptist Church. Their Pastor is Mark Payton. Please pray with me for him to be empowered by the Blessed Holy Spirit to lead their church with boldness as he listens to the whisper of God. Pray that he will not be afraid to speak the heart of the Father without compromising the Word of God to fit mans idea of Christianity. Pray for all of their Sunday School teachers and childrens workers that they would be refreshed daily with the Word of God so much so that they would be like a shining light every where they go. Pray that they will have a heart of unity and will work together as ONE. Pray for all those traveling home from vacations taken over Fall Break. Pray for our schools. Please pray for the Ebola victims of the United States and all over the world. May this terrible disease be contained . Please be praying for Charles Newman, he is Bobby Newmans dad. Mr. Newman is currently in ICU in a hospital in Lexington, due to suffering a heart attack Wednesday, October 8th. Your prayers for Mr. Newman and his family at this time are greatly appreciated. Thank You! Please be praying for Kara Knochelmann, she is Lisa Schawes niece. Kara had her appendix removed earlier this week and she has been hospitalized with complications. Your prayers for her at this time are greatly appreciated. Pray for Macy Howe. She has a fractured arm. Please continue to pray for the family of Steve Hess . Please continue to pray for Deana Simpson Gabbert in the loss of her Mother Joyce Ryder. Please pray for Stephanie Anns friend who lost her baby grandson, Jagger who was born with a bad heart. he was in Primary Childrens Hospital and died . It is always hard when a child passes away and especially a newborn because we feel they never get a real chance to experience life, but God has a plan. Please pray for baby Jaggers family. Please pray for Joey D Bube & Kelli Bube. Joey was taken by ambulance to hospital. On her way Kelli had a wreck on I-75 . Now they both are at same ER .If someone could update me on these two i would appreciate it. Please pray for Monica Schneider Her last doctor visit was not great. She has fought too hard to quit now so please pray with me to lift her high up before our Lord once more for a cure. Pray for her as her birthday was 10/3. If you did not acknowledge it a belated birthday card will suffice. Please pray for Gina Dicks who had Rotator cuff surgery 10/10 and will be off work 6 weeks for recovery. The surgery is a rough surgery, but add to that the financial burden being off 6 weeks puts on someone and that makes it doubly stressful. Please pray mightily for Gina that all will work out okay for her. Please pray for Tinsley Ann Jones 2 year old granddaughter of Dan and Paula Jackson. She is taking chemo and blood transfusions for leukemia. She had some complications during surgery. Continue in prayer for Billy Crowder . Billy had a lengthy back surgery Rods and screws were placed and pressure was taken off the pinched nerve. He has been transferred to Gateway. Please pray with me that he will regain the use of his legs and improve to the point of going home soon. Pray for Dianne who has stayed by his side, shes a wonderful lady. Please pray for my friend Jennifer Please be praying for Pamela Cain, she is Darlene Johnsons daughter. Pamela is suffering from a back condition that is causing her extreme pain and has potential to cause her to become paralyzed. Please pray for my friend Josephine Kogler. God knows why. Pray for Julie Sandlins sister, Betty, who broke her ankle in three places and also has infection. Please pray for Jeff Jackson who had surgery on his heel 9/25. It will be a long while before he can put weight on his foot. Please pray for his family as well. Jeff fell off of a retaining wall while doing yard work and shattered his heel bone. Please also be praying for Shirley Ferguson, she is Darlene Johnsons mother. Mrs. Ferguson has recently been diagnosed with COPD and is having difficulty breathing. Please pray for Misty Middleton who had treatment #2. May God bless her with more good days than bad. Please pray for Betsy Greenley who will have surgery for hernia 10/16 in Harrison County. Be in prayer for Tommy Collett who resides at Parkview Manor as he had gallbladder surgery recently. Please pray for MaryJo Kinmon who is experiencing terrible pain in both hips. She is going to have to have hip replacement surgery in both hips. Please pray for Kenyan Drake football player for Alabama who suffered a gruesome ankle injury which could end his year of football and possibly his career. Please pray for Storme Vanover as she recovers from surgery. Please pray for Tammy Gruebenhoff she had back surgery. Please pray for my friend Barb Ballenger who had surgery on her left hand 9/30. This is a pretty involved surgery and will require about 6 months to recover completely. Please pray for fast healing. Please continue to pray for Bill Webb who had 3 blockages repaired in his left leg . He will have to have a blockage repaired in his other leg at a later date. Please pray for Chuck Estridge. He is in severe pain from his back surgery. Chuck came home from the hospital Saturday. He is weak because of losing blood during the surgery. Continue to pray for a quick recovery. Please pray for Cheryl Clemons who has a broken ankle.She fell and fractured her ankle in 3 places and sprained the other one. She had surgery and in hospital Please pray for Joan Cornman as she has health issues. Pray for Dorothy Brock. She has been admitted to the hospital Pray for Bob Ellegood. He is in the hospital at Florence. Please continue to pray Nancy Roland my dear friend who is having shots in her eye and therapy on her knee. She is doing well and pray she continues to improve . Prayers for a very special family today and the coming weeks as Isaiah Columbia, son of Robbie and Katie Columbia, will undergo his 4th open heart surgery today. Please keep Donna Sharkey Rymer in your prayers as she is one of us who is in pain everyday. It is a terrible way to live. Pray for a cure. Please say a prayer for Jessie Kenneys son Eric who had spinal fusion surgery today 10/1. Surgery was successful and Eric is doing well. Let the healing begin! Please pray for Mr. McHugh who was injured & air cared away in the accident on Dry Ridge Mt Zion Rd , last report his condition was critical. Could use an update! Pray for Trina Kelley who broke her toe in several places. Please pray for Geri, a former nurse at St E lovingly known as Hot Lips by her former coworkers ,who had a stroke. Please pray for Marietta Hedges aunt & cousin both who are being treated for cancer. Pray for Sara Cummins mother who is in ICU Please pray for Rheanna VanMeter. Please pray for Zoey Dunn who was born in July and is on dialysis. She needs a kidney transplant Please continue to pray for Rocky Hughes. He is from Falmouth, goes to Grassy Creek Christian Church. They have sent him home with new medications, a diet, and limitations on activity to try for approximately 3 months. Then they will re-evaluate. A defibrillator is one possibility. Please continue prayer for Brooklyn and her sight that improvement continues. Please keep Former player and friend of Coach Calapari, Reggie Warford, had heart transplant in your prayers, Frances Bowles, she is suppose to have surgery again on that knee she had replaced and there is infection. Bobbie Jo Oehler, is going to be tested for Huntingtons disease since her father was diagnosed with it last year and it is hereditary. Praying for a good report. Could use update please. Please pray for Buddy Mink who had a stroke who is back at Gateway and he now has a feeding tube.Could use update please. Please pray for Christopher who was hit by a tractor/trailer as he and his father were stopped at stoplight and he was in the back seat of the vehicle and got most of the impact as the truck lost its brakes. Please pray for my niece in Texas, God knows why. Please pray for Pam Penningtons Uncle Mickey who had 4 bypasses and is on a ventilator. Please continue to pray for Donnie Cannon. She had an Epidural for back pain and the pain is worse, but it gets worse before it gets better. Pray she can hang in there until it gets better. Pray for Brayden McKinley while he is in Memphis at the hospital Please pray for Terry Gillespie as He is having another surgery on his foot Pray for Bo Collins. He had back surgery. Pray for Mary Cheevers. She has ongoing health problems Please pray for Utha Simpson as she takes some more chemo Please pray for the 6 year old boy in Ty Taylors room in Baltimore. He was found abandoned in a motel room and he is so badly malnourished he looks like a 2 year old. Pray he gets the love and care he needs to thrive. Please pray for the Taylor family as Ty Taylor is at Baltimore to continue therapy that could help further his healing. It will be a long grind for the family, but hopefully prove very valuable for Ty. Please be in prayer for the whole family. May God bless them richly. Keep Geneva Spenneberg in your prayers Please pray for Owen McMasters, a Louisville High School Sophamore who is desperately searching for a bone marrow match that may literally save his life. Keep Calvin Thomas in your prayers. He is battling a blood infection and other medical issues. He was somewhat improved Lisa Vickers is home and recovering from her surgery. Keep her and Ray in your prayers. Pray for Elnore Cook. She is home from the hospital but still needs prayers. Pray for Bonnie Williams as she heals from surgery and other medical issues. Pray for Kimmie Williams. Bonnie granddaughter as she battles cancer again Please pray for Ann Stephens, Ed of Edwardos Mom, who is in St E Edgewood with what they think is a heart problem. Please pray for a special child in Childrens Hospital Andrew Craig Murphy and Thank you Yolanda Gould for raising my awareness that he could use some prayer. Please pray for Gavin who is fighting Cancer. He is in Childrens. Please pray for Lyn Burnetts stepmother who was in a wreck and broke her arm in several places. She had an operation today 9/8 and really needs the use of her arm and hand her other hand does not work well. Please be praying for Barbara Gordon. She is Calvin Gordons sister-in-law. Doctors have found cancer on her right kidney, and she is undergoing further tests to see if it has spread anywhere else. Your prayers for her at this time are greatly appreciated Pray for healing for Debbie Nelson. Please continue to pray for Sandi Neace Please pray for Brady Walz who is battling cancer.Update:After 30 days, 2 stays in PICU, 3 chest tubes, 1 ventilator and too many to count X-rays, etc. -- WE ARE HOME!!! Thank you for your prayers! We are blessed to be supported by our family and friends! We are blessed to be so close to Childrens! We are blessed to have our excellent medical team! God is great! Brady is hoping to make it to the HHS football game tonight. Keep Ira Wells in your prayers as he continues his battle. Keep Mary Frances Wills in your prayers. Pray for lost pets to return to their homes. Prayer Warriors I am asking your to pray for Kim Lewis Hall she took ill about month ago and it was determined that her liver was affected. She was transported to UK and they still dont know what attacked her liver. she took a serious turn and is now in ICU on life support. She is 33 years old and has 2 small children and family that are needing our prayers. We have a healing God . Share with others..Could use an update please. Please pray for Danielle Padgett and Jeff Padgett God knows their needs and also include Debbie in your prayers as she is their caregiver. Please pray for Jewel Clifton. Please pray for Beanna Bixler .Keep the whole family in your prayers please. Pray for Wendy Webster who had surgery on her leg. Pray for Dan Jackson Keep Dale Garman in your prayers as he looks for work. Please pray for a cancer free JC. Looks like he is going to have to have a trach put in to allow his lungs to strengthen. Please pray to stop the beheading of the innocent children Remember Dottie Craigmyles aunt who will be having surgery later this week in Maine. Her name is Florence St. Louis, 9 Village Street, Poland Maine 04274. This is an odd last name but is correct. Continue to pray for Dottie too because Florence was like a mother to her and she is not well herself.Could use an update please Please pray for Jenny ONan. Pray for Lesa McComas Prayers for David Lowe. At Ross Heart Hospital at Ohio State he Had a very risky surgery. He had a LVAD put in as a bridge until he can receive a heart transplant. All prayers would be sincerely appreciated. Could use an update. Continue to pray for Jerry & Brenda Luttrell Please be praying for Lauren Buckley, Pray for those that are persecuted for no reason except for the greed of others. Pray for truth to be revealed. Please pray for Connie Pennington Rices Uncle who was injured in a mowing accident. he is in good spirits but really wanting to come home. Please keep praying and thank you everyone Pray for all of those who have fought and protected our freedom in the past and now. Also pray for the families of these people as they have sacrificed much too. Please pray for Sunrise Childrens Services. Please pray for Williamstown Baptist Church as we undergo some changes..Pray for Nick Sandefur who will be preaching at our church for the next 3 months. Please pray for Daniel Brewer and his family. He was in a terrible motorcycle accident Daniel is now at Grant Manor for Rehab.Please pray determinedly for improvement in Daniels condition . He is currently in Grant Manor .Praise God his leg will be saved Please pray for Betty Lou Drapers dad who is in a nursing facility Pray for Zack & his brothers. May Tasha find true happiness Please pray for those who are ill or need prayer that I might not have knowledge of. Please pray for Don Hilbrecht who is not doing well. This is Rosemary Whaleys brother in-law. Please pray for Huey Norman who fell and broke his ankle badly. Please pray for Dottie Craigmyle who is in extreme pain with her back Please continue to pray for Ray Lilly who has heart & kidney problems. Please pray for Becky Tolle who is in stage 4 cancer. Cincinnati Bengals defensive tackle Devin Still, his daughter has cancer and would like fans to keep her in their prayers.Praise God the Bengals kept Devin so he can pay his daughters medical bills. May God bless them.May God bless this little girl with healingPraise God surgery was successful. Please pray for Connie Thornton who is having both knees replaced. The first one took place around the first of June. She is in extreme pain. Please pray for a revival that Joe Chamberlain is planning for next June.. Please pray for those of us with Fibromyalgia during this weather period when storms pop up. The quickly changing weather causes quick onsets of extreme pain and migraines for us.Please pray nightly for us during this shifting weather pattern. Pray for Danny Tackett. Please pray for Debbie Morris Brown who is in constant pain. Please pray Debbie reaches out and explores new options.Please pray an extra prayer for Debbie as she has been to St E Grant Co this week. Pray for Jackson as he fights on. Pray for Barb Kincade. The doctors removed her knee cap and sent her home in a wheelchair for about two months or so then they will have to do another surgery to replace the knee cap. Pray all of the infection clears up also. Pray for Belinda Lovell. She has several health issues. Keep Jeannie Broyles in your prayers. Please pray for Joni Pelfrey. She had some surgery for her dialysis. She needs prayers for a transplant.Pray for Joni Pelfrey as she starts her dialysis Pray for Rebekah Bradshaw Gregory, who was a spectator at the Boston Marathon,.She still has a long way to go including possible amputation.Please continue to pray for her.Rebekah asked for a month of normalness. She was given a nerve block a walking boot so she could be in a wedding . Amputation is in her future,but for this month she is going to be as normal as possible pray daily for her. She took a terrible fall and landed on her bad leg. Pray she did not do too much more damage. Please keep John Went in your prayers. Pray for everyone who is having a battle with drug addiction within their family or personally. Pray for Jake who had brain surgery and was told they got it all. He is back at Childrens. Please pray for Coach Carl Wenderoth, Dina and Niki Rae. Debbie Brewer could use our prayers as she takes treatments for Invasive Mucinous Carcinoma. It is rare Please pray for Norma Holt who lost her arm in a work accident on 11/7.She is going back to the hosp to have more of her arm removed above the elbow.The burns on her legs are very painful. Please pray for Reverend Billy Graham. Please pray for Tammy Smith, retired Simon Kenton Art teacher.Shes now in the Long Term Acute Care unit at St. Elizabeth in Ft. Thomas. Please pray for the entire family. Please pray for Carla Kings cousins 14 year old son who has just received a diagnosis of having inoperable brain tumors. Pray Pray Pray! Please keep praying with me for Andrew Clark. He is 1 year clean and sober, drug free. He now lives in a drug free house and is doing very very well, he still has a long way to go as everyday is still a battle to fight, but he is fighting and winning day by day. Keep praying. Please pray for Michelle Bohman who has been diagnosed with Sjögrens syndrome which is a chronic progressive autoimmune disorder and Fibromyalgia. Please pray for Ray Day. 4207 Wingrove Dr. Arlington,TX 76015 CARDS VERY MUCH APPRECIATED Please be in prayer for Ray Brewer. Ray is very weak from his battle with Cancer. UPDATE: Rays kidneys are failing and his heart is enlarged, doctors have said there is nothing more they can do for him.. Please be in prayer for Ray! Please pray for Raymond Swathwood he has a very rare cancer called C.T.C.L. Please pray for Nancy Taylor (friends of Gene & Irene Willoughby) . They live at 2145 Golds Valley Road, Dry Ridge, KY 41035. Please pray for Maurice & Glenna Webster. Kindly remember them daily in your prayers if you would both are suffering failing health.Glenna Webster had a stroke. They live @ 205 S.W. First Street, Webster, Florida 33597. Truman Pelfrey, is suffering from dementia Please kindly send him a get well card as well as pray for him and our family. His address is: Truman Pelfrey, Eastgate Care Spring, Room 169-1, 4400 Glen Este-Withamsville Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45245. Pray for Lindy who was injured in skiing accident. Please pray for a lady named Heather and her family. Her husband had a major car accident a few years back and has a brain injury. He was just diagnosed with AML (Leukemia). The prognosis is 40% survival. Please pray for Norma & Zemmer Hammond as they are going through terrible times in their family. May God guide them through all of this. I spoke with this sweet lady and your prayers are truly appreciated. Im still praying for you, Malakai Work, wherever you are! May you someday know how very much we love you.God willing we will see you again.Until then I pray for your safety and well being. Please pray for old friends that touch your heart and mind may God hold them close and keep them safe until you meet again. CANCER: Please pray for the following people( names listed as I have bee given them) who in an ongoing battle with cancer of some kind. They may be taking chemo or radiation. Pam Linda Jones, Mary Ann Walthers niece. Barbara Chamberlain another round of chemo Garry Conrad Dale Garman Josiah, a 2 year old boy Karin Marksbury Sharon Marksberry Jim Linn Roberta who lives in West Virginia Dave Carnoham Marie Jones Karen McWilliams Ted Insko Steve Pettit Chris Kruger, son of Brenda Wilson Paula Jackson Steve Cooper,son in-law of Florence Lanter,husband of Carla Teresa Daugherty Jamie Storer James Tucker Rosie Goldstein Caroline Wood Grace Black 13600 Quail Hallow Lane, Midothian, VA 23112. Laura Goers Sandy True wife of Bobby True Tammy Covey Grace Singler,3086 West Tower Ave.,Cincinnati, OH 45238 Jackie Rogers Debbie Deweyne Nantz Bonnie Harper J.J. Jones Anthony Pettit Steve Jenkins Gene Rowland Brittany Depew Howard Spahr Penny Louis Mabel Doolin sick from chemo treatment Sherry Isaacs, Pam Ashcraft101Williamsburg Square,Williamstown,KY41097 Deborah Brewer.Invasive Mucinous Carcinoma. Leeza McComas Emily Blevins Ira Wells treatments for prostrate cancer.Pray for Ira Wells as he continues to fight his cancer. Nick Sawchuck Shasta Burwinkel Jean Bowen colon cancer Dalton Naranjo leukemia Randy Lower Kidney & Lung Cancer taking chemo Dale McKitrick lung cancer Mary Ann OHara Cook cancer has returned Diane Harrison( cousin of Marietta) Helen Pickett Sven Lebo Leukemia Ray Brewer Monica Schneider Jake Brayden Herman House prostate Cancer Mr Thompson brain Tumor George Wolley. cancer Wayne Joyce, Liver Cancer Brittany Depew, Leukemia Cathy Geer , Leukemia Jason VanHook, Leukemia Lori McClure, cancer Wayne Joyce, liver cancer Jewell Clifton, Lung Cancer Lynn, Cancer Wayne Joyce,Liver Cancer Kenny Taylor Teresa Shaw, wife of Coach Shaw Johnny Renaker, Colon Cancer Sherry Snowden, Breast Cancer Jill Perry Lisa Vickers SHUT INS: Jewell Martin-Mary Lena Estridge-Kathy Juett Richardson-Katherine Hammond-Connie Wright-Nell Lawrence-Debbie Taylor-Virginia Gilpen-Willena Whaley-Holton Smith-Gena Davis-Betsy Greenley111 Rogers Park Drive Apartment 8, Cynthiana, Ky 41031Frances Stanley-June Griffin-Noah Combs- Geneva Davis-Kenneth Floyd Draper NURSING HOME: Peggy Alexander@Bridgeport Nursing Facility,Florence, KY Charlie Alexander @ Bridgeport Nursing Facility, Florence, KY ;Grant Manor address: 201 Kimberly Dr., Williamstown, KY 41097 - Kenneth Floyd Draper Room # 206 @ Grant Manor- Walter Sasher Room # 203@ Grant Manor-Arlene Ecklar@ Grant Manor-Wilma Greene@ Grant Manor- Shirley Taylor@ Grant Manor- Anna Eldridge@ Grant Manor-Daniel Brewer@ Grant Manor-Dona Taylor@ Baptist Convalesent Center, Newport, Ky Juanita Hedges@ Jewel Knights- Bill Rich@ Jewel Knights- Geisela Smith@ Jewel Knights, Eibeck Lane, Williamstown, Ky 41097-Rosella Scroggins@ Robertson Health Care, Rt # 2 US HWY 62, Mt Olivet , Ky 41064-Alice Schwartz (mother of Bill Schwartz)@St Elizabeth Medical Center Bishop Hughes Pavillion ), Norma Sharpe@Villa Springs Nursing Center, 630 Voxx Dr., Erlanger, KY 41018,Matt Wessell@ Villa Springs Nursing Center, 630 Voxx Drive, Erlanger, KY 41018, Jerry Luttrell@ Villa Springs Nursing Center, 630 Voxx Drive, Erlanger, KY 41018, Ruby Vallandinham (Room 321A)@ Florence Park, Inez Valentine@ (room 204)@ Florence Park,6975 Burlington Pike, Florence, KY 41042, Rondell Kinman @Florence Park, 6975 Burlington Pike Florence, KY 41042 ...Tommy Sharpe @ Owenton Manor, Tommy & Brenda Roland@Owenton Center, Genesis Healthcare, 905 Hwy 127 North, Owenton, KY 40359-9302...Carrollton assisted Living - Ray Berger. Betsy Greenley @ Cedar Ridge Nursing Home, 1217 US Highway 62 E , Cynthiana, KY 41031. SERVICE MEN & WOMEN: AFGHANISTAN Adam Jenkins Josef Cummins Greg Adams Chuck Riley-Behran, Afghanistan GUAM PV2 Barry Baxter HAWAII Tyler Black KOREA SFC Sanders, Stephen B., PV2 McComas, Jacob ,Cody Goers, Marine STATESIDE Sgt Velosky, Joshua ,Kyle Taylor-Key West, FL,1 LT David C Hale ,Mike Parker,SSF Shelton, Rodney Louis Veneziano-Kansas,PVT. Josh Crupper -New York ,Collins, Christopher-KY,PFC JON Rourk-OH Dillon Pelfrey ,SSG Josh Henry- Arkansas ,Dirk McComas- KY,ONeal Steven A ,Ricky Barton, CA CPL Perkins, Jordan K Middle East /Sea GSM 1 Conrad, Kyle Djibouti, Africa SSG Kenneth J Wininger SPECIAL NEEDS: Memorial contributions are suggested to the Steve Hess Memorial Fund, c/o Elliston-Stanley Funeral Home, P.O. Box 130, Williamstown, KY 41097. Matt Wessell Memorials:Memorials are suggested to: National Kidney Foundation, 2800 Corporate Exchange Dr. Ste 260, Columbus, OH 43231-8617 or The Dry Ridge Christian Church, 13 School St., Dry Ridge, KY 41035. We need to continue to pray for some young People who are struggling with drug addiction. Pray they get the desire within themselves to want to get help. Pray for the parents as they go through this ordeal with their sons/daughters. Ruth MacAdams Riley I would like to have our troups prayed for as they are always being sent into harms way! I would also like to pray for our students, they are challenged daily by their peers and want them to stay strong in their beliefs and their faith! JUST A THOUGHT And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you. Philippians 1:6 AMP It was late Saturday night and we were both exhausted. A job that should have taken a couple of hours had now taken a couple of days, but we had chosen to honor the price that we had originally given them. As the night wore on, it was just us, God, and a lot of hard work as they soon left us the keys and went home. Sometimes doing the right thing hurts. The job cost us twice as much as we planned and took five times as long to complete, but we did it. It was the right thing to do. We are to do unto others, as we would have them do unto us. God who began a good work in you, will see it completely through to the end. Even when the cost is double, when it is just you, God, and a lot of hard work: He will finish the job. Work with Him, not against Him, and it will go much faster. PROVERBS 3:5-6 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God Taken from a post by MaryLee Willoby Start your day with a prayer, it will make your day go smoother! Disclaimer: When I am given the names of these people to pray for I post it as given because I think everyone no matter who they are can use prayer. I do ask that if you are able to update me at anytime on someone listed you would be so kind to do so. Your requests and updates are what fuel this out reach
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 01:09:54 +0000

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