PRAY THIS PRAYERS FOR 7 DAYS (MID-NIGHT AND WATCH OUT GODS MANIFESTATION: From the BATTLE OF MID-NIGHT Chapter 10 UNLOCKING WHAT THEY LOCKED In the book of Jeremiah (29:11) the Lord said “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope Iand future”. The Lord plans for his own people. In Matthew (21:44) the Lord said “And whoever falls on this stone will be broken, but on whoever it falls it will grind him to powder”. The stone is the Rock of Ages. (Exodus (22:18) said “Suffer not a witch to live”. That shows how deadly witchcraft destroys the children of God). In Leviticus (20:27): The Lord said, “A man or woman who is a medium or who has familiar spirit shall surely be put to death, they shall stone them with stones. Their blood shall be upon them”. Again Ezekiel (11:2-3) “The Lord said to me, son of man, these are the men who are plotting evil and giving wicked advice in this city. They say “Will it not soon be time to build houses. This city is a cooking pot and we are the meat”. As meat is cooked in a pot so they cook the fortunes and destinies of the children of God. The Lord defended his people saying, “This city will not be a pot for you nor will you be the meat in it” (Ezk. 11:11). Cases abound in deliverance session when people bring out keys which they used to lock up a lot of people. A particular woman confessed and brought out several keys she was wearing on her waist like waist band. She counted several people she locked their lives, destinies, marriages, etc. Those people remained like meat in a cooking pot. The evil powers; witches and wizards, occultic elements, herbalist, have used keys to lock up many people. Looking at the sufferings of these innocent, the Holy Spirit decided to hold a prayer, session of unlocking what these evil powers have locked. A particular key which they normally use is black and unlocked at the bottom. It operates like automatic or jam lock. They can lock a person or persons, family or kindred. They can lock peoples business, work, certificate, marriage, etc. TO KNOW WHEN THEY HAVE LOCKED A PERSON A lady has education, well paid job, good looks manners, whatever you can think of in a good woman but no husband comes. Men run away from her as if she smells. Young men suffer such repulsion from ladies, too. Businesses or career of people equally suffer. Some families are locked up that nobody can study beyond primary school or make any significant progress. Else the person will die. The list and examples of such wickedness is uncountable. That can account for why many who started well in life end up very poor to the point of begging. In Ecclesiastes (10-5-7) it reads, “There is an evil and I have seen under the sun, as an error proceeding from the ruler. Folly is set in great dignity while the rich sit in a lowly place, I have seen servants on horses, while princes walk on the ground like servants” This is a reversal of destiny. It is retrogression and irony of life. HOLY SPIRIT IN ACTION The prayer session, which was Holy Spirit directed, unlocked people who were suffering under any witchcraft padlock. It was not only for those who attended the prayer physically, but all who believe and are looking for divine freedom. All kinds of bondage were broken by the reason of the anointing (Isaiah 10:27). A physical key was used to demonstrate the actual activity. The Holy Spirit who carried out the work went down into the spirit to unlock people who were in such bondage. It is for every believer to accept in faith that the strength of that prayer carried out on 24th of February, 2004 has set him/her free and unlocked his business, marriage, career, certificate, finance, job, etc. All the destinies of people were set free. Pray the Holy Spirit of God who unlocked all these to visit you and set you free. Do not sit at home believing that nothing can be done about your situation. “With man it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible,” (Mk.10:27). (Pray seriously the prayers at the end of this section and claim your own blessing). PRAYER TO UNLOCK WHAT THEY LOCKED Confession: Confess these very loud. Isaiah 49:25-26, Ps 59:1-17. Now pray the following with anger in your heart. Step I: Confess known and unknown sin to God. Step II: Do sufficient praise, worship. Step III: Cover yourself and your environment with the blood of Jesus. 1. All my potentials locked up in the coven of darkness, I unlock you with the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. 7x 2. My destiny I unlock you now, jump out of the cage of witchcraft, in the name of Jesus. 3x 3. Every chain of witchcraft caging my family potentials, break by fire, in the name of Jesus. 5x 4. I loose my life and my family from the bondage of ancestral idols, in the Jesus name. 3x 5. You my star, jump out of the stronghold of witchcraft, in the name of Jesus. 4x 6. I unlock my breakthrough from the coven of darkness, in the name of Jesus. 7x 7. Every of my property locked up in any evil altar I set you free by the blood of Jesus. 7x 8. You the wicked altar that is locking my resources I set you ablaze with fire from heaven. 5x 9. I unlock every wicked padlock and set my caged resources free, in the name of Jesus. 6x 10. You my….I unlock you from the prison yard of darkness, arise and shine (pick from the under listed). a. Marriage 4x B. Children 3x C. Family 4x d. Academic 1x e. Certificate 3x f. Business/Job 3x g. Finance 1x h. Career 7x i. Wife/Husband 3x j. Health 5x k. Life 2x l. Breakthrough 3x 11. I unlock my peace and joy from the cage of darkness in the name of Jesus. 4x 12. I use the master key from heaven to unlock all my benefits in the prison yard of darkness in the name of Jesus. 3x Begin to thank the Lord for answered prayer. LOCKING THE EVIL ONES UP In Isaiah (10:27) The Lord said, “It shall come to pass in that day, that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil” To break this yoke, He gave us power in Luke (10-19) Behold I give unto you power to trample upon serpent and scorpions, and over every power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you” And in Colossians (2:15) he said, “Having disarmed principalities and power, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them.” With these promises of our Lord, we have gotten the power to lock up, with the padlock of heaven, every wicked power that is tormenting our lives. When any wicked robber that is terrorizing the society is caught the first step is to lock him up, in chain, in prison and try him. But for spiritual powers and satanic agents, they do not regret nor repent. They need to be locked up permanently. You may notice that in your family nobody has been successful in life. All the men are there without anyone who can assist another. They have formed the habit of drinking to satisfy their evil urge. It can be that none of the men married officially or traditionally. It is either they pregnant the woman or they followed them from the hotel. This is evil pattern. In some families the ancestors locked the stars of the generations to come in their family idols. You need to lock up that family idol and chain the familiar spirit in charge of it for the people to be free and succeed. Whatever covenant made between that idol and members of that family must be broken for peace to reign. HOW DO YOU LOCK THE EVIL ONE UP? A man was destined to be a king in the white mans country. For fear of leaving them in their old age, the parents went to the herbalist who made concoction with his placenta and they threw it into the river tied with a stone. That mans destiny was buried until at 61 years when God opened his eyes after serious deliverance prayer. You need power from heaven and master key to lock the evil power permanently so that they will not come out again. There are powers that have locked up the whole family, village, community, etc from seeing their promised land. They destroyed the key or hand it over to Satan. It might be that they circulated it many witchcraft altar: it does not matter if the person who made that evil agreement is living or dead, lock him/her up with spiritual padlock from heaven. Set ablaze their evil altar cause divine earth quake to scatter their kingdom. A lady at 39 years, had not menstruated for the first time, had nobody coming to say, I love you. She did not even believe she was a woman. After serious fire prayer she saw by her side, an angel commanding an old woman to carry her load. There was a big basket of rubbish there. The old woman answered that she was not living. The angel said, “I do not care whether you are living or dead, I say carry your load”. The old woman grudgingly carried the basket of rubbish. The lady started menstruating immediately for the first time and later got married. By this prayer appointment from God most High all evil powers and their padlocks against you and your family have been destroyed and chained with hot fetters of iron. You are free from the chains and padlock of darkness in Jesus name. Amen. DO THE FOLLOWING PRAYERS SERIOUSLY Prayer to lock Evil ones up Step I: Confess all known and unknown sins to God. Step II: Do sufficient praise worship Step III: Cover yourself and your environment with the blood of Jesus. Confession: Confess these aloud Lk 0:19; Col. 2:15; Ps. 35:1-28. NOW PRAY THE FOLLOWING VERY AGGRESSIVELY. 1. Any foundational witchcraft in my family I lock you up with heavenly padlock, in the name of Jesus. 1x 2. Evil padlock of the enemy used against me, I command you to lock your owner up, in the name of Jesus. 4x 3. You my foundational enemys, I padlock your powers and chain you with hot fetters of iron, in the name of Jesus. 4x 4. Every enemy of my increase, I lock you up in the name of Jesus. 6x 5. Every assembly of witchcraft, in the heaven, in the air, on land, in the water, in the forest, I padlock the air against you.4x 6. I withdraw the peace of my enemies and I lock them in trunk box, in the name of Jesus. 9x 7. Every power reinforcing the enemies of my breakthrough, I padlock you with hot fetters of iron, in the name of Jesus. 9x 8. I break the backbone and destroy the root of every spirit speaking against me, in the name of Jesus. 4x 9. Every ancestral family altar speaking against me, I bind you and I render you powerless. 10. I break the bond of wickedness locking my destiny, in the name of Jesus. 1x Begin to thank the Lord for answered prayers. Pray and shout fire and turn around until you are tired and convinced in your spirit that the fire you invoke and send have gone to action, it can be 100 times dont count it, shout fire yaya- ya. Go ahead with fire.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 17:19:38 +0000

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