PRAY WITH THE PROPHET DAY #4 JULY 5th 2014 EVIL WILL NEVER REPEAT ITSELF IN MY LIFE AGAIN I decree and declare that surely tha goodness of tha Lord shall follow me for tha rest of my life. Gods pure goodness is my portion. I am blessed of tha Lord, I am favored of tha Lord. According to Matthew 11:28-29 you said that I Come to you, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. I am here Lord! Every bad thing that has ever occurred to me through my family, through my friends and through my finances it shall never happen again. Even in my ministry it shall never happen again. NEVER AGAIN! to any bad experience I have had in my life, you shall not repeat yourself, in the name of Jesus. Spirit of bless and lose, I cry against you, NEVER AGAIN! in the name of Jesus. You Spirit of bless and lose I break your stronghold in my family. I speak Isaiah 40:29-31 which says you give power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired,and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. I trust in tha Lord. Miracles and blessings shall repeat themselves in my life! In Jesus Mighty name! Tha church is on fire for tha Lord. I speak mark 16 verse 17-19 over our ministry. EVERYTHING, hear the word of the Lord, TURN AROUND FOR MY FAVOUR!!! in the name of Jesus. In my job, turn around for my favour. Repeated oppression, DIE by fire! in the name of Jesus. Lord we dedicate our church to you by power might and glory. I re-write my family history by fire, its success for my partner,my family, its success for my children and our church in the name of Jesus. Repeated Calamities, Die! in the name of Jesus. Miracles and blessings shall repeat themselves in my life! In Jesus Mighty name! In my marriage EVERYTHING, hear the word of the Lord, TURN AROUND FOR MY FAVOUR!!! in the name of Jesus. My marriage shall work out! My finances shall work out! Spirit of bless and lose, I cry against you, NEVER AGAIN! in the name of Jesus. There is grace in our ministry. Witchcraft and satanic manipulations, I decree and declare failure against you, NEVER AGAIN! in the name of Jesus. Every power that attacks my bible life catch fire. Every Demonic power of almost there burn, all forms of limitations in education burn, demonic powers assigned to use me as a foot mat, I cry against you, NEVER AGAIN! in the name of Jesus. I erase my families name from every satanic log book! Destruction and setback never again! Businesses falling apart never again, sickness never again, confusion never again! NEVER AGAIN! in the name of Jesus. Spirit of bless and lose, I cry against you, NEVER AGAIN! in the name of Jesus. EVERYTHING, hear the word of the Lord, TURN AROUND FOR MY FAVOUR!!! in the name of Jesus. Powers and any form of disobedience closing my heavens, I cry against you, NEVER AGAIN! in the name of Jesus. Frustrations and backwardness, assigned against me, burn and I speak against u, I decree and declare against you, NEVER AGAIN! in the name of Jesus. Angels of the Living Holy Lord destroy all powers of darkness fighting our ministry. Access of darkness into my life, through my dreams, through false people of God, through familiar ties TERMINATE BY FIRE! in the name of Jesus. I SILENCE every voice of repeated calamity against my entire family in the name of Jesus. EVERYTHING, hear the word of the Lord, TURN AROUND FOR MY FAVOUR!!! in the name of Jesus. Shame and disfavour, you are not my portion! I will make it... U spirit of unfruitfulness I speak against you, NEVER AGAIN! in the name of Jesus. Diminishing returns, I cry against you, NEVER AGAIN! in the name of Jesus. EVERYTHING in my life hear the word of the Lord, TURN AROUND FOR MY FAVOUR!!! in the name of Jesus. Visitations of the merchants of death, DIE!!! in the name of Jesus. Satanic embarrassments, your days are over in our church, in my family, in my business, NEVER AGAIN! in the name of Jesus. Spirit of bless and lose, I cry against you, NEVER AGAIN! in the name of Jesus. EVERYTHING, hear the word of the Lord, TURN AROUND FOR MY FAVOUR!!! in the name of Jesus. Watch me this year! Great things shall happen! Amen! Pray all this powerful prayer points 2 times today... Fire....
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 21:12:34 +0000

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