PRAYER=CONFESSION= FORGIVENESS: ~We have Hope in PRAYER~ Who are - TopicsExpress


PRAYER=CONFESSION= FORGIVENESS: ~We have Hope in PRAYER~ Who are we to think once we are saved, we are now completely without sin? Forgiveness for sin requires... Repentance - Praying for it - and Re-commiting our lives to God (Well study this a little closer, just bear with me, plze). First there is something we Have to understand (and this is Very Important), God Will distant Himself frm those who keep on sinning!! He did with the Israelies - for 40 years they felt His silence because they kept on with their sinful ways - why then would He just let Us keep on sinning time after time like them? If we do so, I promise u, we Will feel the Full Blow of Gods Wrath!! BUT this msg is about, PRAYING for forgiveness, Repentance (confessing) and receiving that forgiveness. We cant expect forgiveness to just befall us if we dont PRAY for it, and if u read till the end, I will give u Scriptural evidence of the importance of PRAYER for sins committed After conversion, and u will also see where Im going with this. In Old Testament times, believers (let known - Believers), symbolically transferred their sins to an animal, which they then sacrificed (see a description of this ceremony in Lev 4). But of cause we dont do that after Jesus died for the World... WHOEVER believes (Remember John 3:16). 1 John 1:6-10 (Plze read this in context, Not only verse 9). Here John are attacking the False teachers, who Claim that ppl had No Natural tendency toward sin. That they had no sin and that they then were incapable of sinning. This idea is at best Self-Deception (and deception to others when preached!), and at best a Bald-faced lie!!! The False teachers Refused to take sin seriously. They wanted to be considered Christians, but they saw no need to confess, therefore, obviously, were encouraging sin among Believers. In this life we are Always capable of sinning, so we should never let our guard down. The False teachers not only denied that sin breaks our fellowship with God (1:6), and that they had a sinful Nature, If we say we have no sin we are only fooling ourselves (1:8) [Aint this self-deception?], but they also denied their conduct involved any sin at all (1:10). That was a lie that ignored one basic truth: ALL ppl are SINNERS by NATURE and by Practice. At conversion all sins are forgiven - past, present and future. YET, even After we became Christians, we still sin and need to confess. That can Only be done by pleading in PRAYER with God for Forgiveness!! None of us, after conversion win the prize, having a haylow above our heads (like we see in pics with little angels). That is foolish thinking and satans deceit (and False teaching lead by him anyways)! We still stay flesh and blood (while walking this earth, and we dont become Jesus, who was without sin and blameless), and we Still have a sinful Nature. (But plze remember what I said about sinning in the beginning of this text). Heb 8:7-12 (again Plze do not only read v 12) ...The day will come, says the LORD, when I will make a New Covenant... We have to read verse 12 in retrospect with other Scripts. When ppl give u only one verse and wanna build a Whole assumption on it, be weary of false teachings!! We All fall under the New covenant of Grace. Grace and Mercy for the Forgiveness of Old and Future sins by PRAYER and Confession. The same with Heb 10:17 (Read 16 TO 18). These verses just re-iterate verses 8-12. We cant think that sin has now abscond frm us (from Old sins, yes of cause), through Christ death and the cleansing of His blood. I compiled this msg after reading the following absurd post!! They tossed it, I respond! [1 John 1:9 TO BORN-AGAIN BELIEVERS: CONFESSING SINS that Jesus Christ already paid for with HIS BLOOD 2000 years ago, and REMEMBERS NO MORE (Hebrews 8:12, 10:17) IS DEAD WORKS OF YOUR FLESH which Dishonor JESUS CHRIST AND HIS FINISHED WORK ON THE CROSS FOR YOU. It is what satan wants you to do! NOT JESUS! and NOT the HOLY SPIRIT, who Always Glorifies Jesus Christ and His Finished Work on the Cross! Just thought Id toss it out for some discussion :)] ABSURD and UNFOUNDED, wont u say??
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 20:47:59 +0000

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