PRAYER FOR FAVOR Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you through - TopicsExpress


PRAYER FOR FAVOR Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you through Jesus Christ, my personal Lord and Savior, asking that you send the Holy Spirit to descend upon me. Ease any worries that may come my way. Father, you said not to worry about anything but instead to pray about everything and to tell you, my Heavenly Father and Jehovah Jireh, my Heavenly Provider, what I need and desire. Philippians 4: 6 Lord Jesus, I need your wisdom and understanding from on high. Your word guides and instructs me not to be tired and discouraged. It tells me not to give up so that I will be able to reap your bountiful blessings in the appointed time. Galatians 6: 9 Lord, you said if a man needs wisdom to ask you and you will gladly tell him and not resent the asking. Lord, I am asking. I need your wisdom and understanding. I expect to hear from you. Your word says that those who have doubtful minds should not expect to hear from you, Lord. So I come to you, Father, filled with hope and expectations of the great work that you are about to do in me, for me and around me. I am not doubtful. I am hopeful that you will hear my prayers and show me your favor. I come asking that you keep me strong and unwavering as I wait for you, my Lord. James 1:5 My dear Heavenly Father, hear my prayers. You are my strength and my salvation. Teach me and help me to be mindful and joyous in all things. Give me the steadfastness of Habakkuk. Take my eyes off of the difficulties I may face and focus my all on you, Lord. Habakkuk 3:17-20 Lord, I believe that all things are possible with you. Your word tells me that there is nothing too hard for you; that what is impossible with man is possible with God. I put my faith in you, and you alone, Lord. Your teachings have taught me that I can pray for anything and if I believe I will have it. Lord, I believe that you are the Son of God and that you, Jesus, died for my sin although I am not worthy. I believe that all things are possible with, in and through you, My Lord Jesus Christ. Hear my prayers now, Lord. Mark 11:22-25 Lord, I know not to put my trust or my faith in man but in you alone. I trust your wisdom. Jesus, you instructed us to trust in you with all of our heart and not to depend on our own understanding. I trust you with every fiber of myself. I seek your will and purpose in my life. Now direct my path, O Lord. You already know my needs. Help me not to worry. Keep me focused on you as El Shaddai—my All Sufficient, Everlasting Source. Proverbs 3:5-6; Matthew 6:32-34 Lord, you said to keep asking and it will be given; keep looking and I will find it; to keep knocking at the door and it will be opened. Lord, I have been knocking, looking and asking for your wisdom, guidance and understanding to get through these obstacles before me; to bring me to my place of destiny in you. I am your child. Lord, open this door and let me pass with blessings and favor from your mighty Hands straight from Heaven above. Father, rain down your favor on me. Let it be such a downpour that I can not contain it all. Let it spill over onto your children around me. Matthew 7:7-11 Lord, give me the faith of the Roman soldier who asked you to heal his servant--to know that if you say it is so then it will be. Father, do not look away from me and cast me into darkness. Instead show your favor strong in me as only my Lord and savior can. Matthew 8: 5-13 Lord, I cry out to you to answer my prayers quickly. Answer me, Lord! I am desperate for you and you alone. Please do not turn from me. Show me my next step, then the next and the next and the next… Never stop lighting my path. Give me eyes to see, feet to step, mind to obey, hands to do, heart to submit and love. Give me all the details of what to do just in time to do your will, Father. Allow me to move forward in my quests to glorify your kingdom with blessings, favor and firm footing in you, my Lord. Psalm 143:7-10 Lord, I know we can never avoid the strife we encounter in life. Come to me as my Jehovah Shalom, my Lord of Peace. Blanket my mind with your peace—not peace of this world but the perfect peace from your Heaven as I move forward in your Holy Name in quests for your kingdom. Strengthen, encourage and embolden me to cross any obstacles in my path, Father, not in my strength but in your strength and your strength alone. Isaiah 26: 3 Dear Lord, Bless me! Show me your favor. Keep your hand with me and increase my territory. Let no evil touch me or my ordained work for your kingdom. 1 Chronicles 4:10 Send your messenger, the Holy Spirit, to help me in all of my endeavors. As I move forward in you, let my life be a testimony of your faithfulness, mercy and grace. I pray this prayer in faith and in the name of my Lord and Savior, The Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 05:35:18 +0000

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