PRAYER MEETING ON WEDNESDAY 7TH AUGUST. TOPIC: OH LORD THERE IS DEATH IN THE POT. SPEAKER: PASTOR POSSIBLE I. ACHA. TEXT: 2 KINGS CHAPTER 4: 38-41. THEY ALSO PRAYED 9 PRAYER POINTS WHICH HE ALSO WANT TO SHARE WITH YOU. We are serving a living God who knows how to stop anything that He dint start. God will stop whatever he has not started in your life, family, ministry, destiny and carrier in Jesus Name. Whatever devil, your enemies or even your mistakes has brought in the pot of your life and destiny shall be destroyed now in Jesus Name. There are people that devil has succeeded in bringing shame an premature death in the pot of their family God will stop it in Jesus Name. May be in the pot of your destiny, marriage, business, finance, vision, education and health somethings that are needed has entered in them and they have brought sickness, pains, sorrow, disappointment, discouragement, shame, tear ps and any evil you can think of, as you pray these 9 prayer points God will fight for you. There are people who cannot confidently explain the root of their predicaments in life, Jesus who is the root of David, who knows the end from the beginning will expose the root of your problems. He will uproot them and begin a new thing in your life. In the place we read bible said Elisha came again to Gilgal in other words he has been there and he came again. In this season i prophesy in your life that good things will come again to you, peace, Joy, Favour, Opportunity and whatever your desires may be will come to you and also Jesus will come to you, remember when He comes He will make all things beautiful in your life. Bible said when Elisha came there was famine in Gilgal, nothing was moving and almost every body was complaining. The sons of prophets was also in the land and Elisha told his servant to prepare food for the sons of the prophets. One of his servants went to the field to get herbs for the food suddenly and unknowingly for him he came back together with something that is deadly, leaves that can kill, in other words something they do not need mingled together with what they need. Shame mixed up with Honour,Curse mingled with blessing, death mixed up with life and evil was mixed with good. Bible said they cooked everything together without knowing. I dont know the evil that has mixed up with your good that is causing you pains Jehovah God will remove them in your life even now in Jesus Name. Bible said that Elisha told his servants to share the food and as they were eating they shouted OH MAN OF GOD THERE IS DEATH IN THE POT. There is death in some people destiny pot, family pot, ministry pot, marriage pot, business pot, carrier pot, health pot etc. May be death has entered the pot of your life because of your mistake, God will show you mercy today. If devil and his agents has brought death in the pot of your life and destiny, the Almighty God will arrest them on your behalf. Elisha told his servant to dish out a meal for him from the pot and he cast it into the pot. He commanded his servants to serve the food again, bible said there was no harm. Whatever you give to God will never cause harm again in your life. If you give God your life it will never cause harm to you and to others. God who is greater than Elisha in restoring things wants to remove sand from your garri in this season. There are things when they mingled, joined, linked and connected together it will only take God to separate them. In the name of Jesus you will not experience harm again. PRAY THESE 9 DESTINY TRANSFORMING PRAYER POINTS NOW. 1.OH LORD MY GOD, WHATEVER THAT YOU DIN NOT START IN MY LIFE AND DESTINY STOP THEM WITH YOUR POWER IN JESUS NAME. 2. OH LORD MY GOD, WHATEVER MY LIFE AND DESTINY DOES NOT NEED THAT IS IN ME OR AROUND ME LET IT DIE BY FIRE NOW. 3.OH LORD MY GOD, ANY EVIL IN MY LIFE AND DESTINY THAT I DONT KNOW THE ROOT OF IT EXPOSE IT NOW AND DESTROY IT BY FIRE. 4. OH LORD MY GOD, ELISHA CAME AGAIN TO GILGAL LET YOUR GRACE, FAVOUR, HONOUR, PEACE, JOY, AND ALL THAT I NEED COME AGAIN IN MY LIFE. 5.OH LORD MY GOD, NEVER YOU ALLOW ANY CONDITION TO AFFECT MY LIFE AND DESTINY NEGATIVELY IN THIS SEASON IN JESUS NAME. 6.OH LORD MY GOD, NEVER YOU ALLOW MY ENEMIES TO PUT SAND IN MY GARRI IN MY LIFE IN THE REMAINING MONTHS OF 2013. 7.OH LORD MY GOD, DELIVER ME FROM DEADLY MISTAKE IN THIS SEASON. You know the person that went to get the leaves they will use to cook food for the sons of the prophets made a deadly mistake if not God of Elisha all the sons of the prophets would have die. 8.OH LORD MY GOD, REMOVE ANYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH DEATH IN THE POT OF MY LIFE, DESTINY, MARRIAGE, CARRIER, VISION ETC. 9.OH LORD MY GOD, NEVER YOU ALLOW ME TO EXPERIENCE HARM OR ANOTHER HARM THIS YEAR IN JESUS NAME. GOD BLESS YOU. Pastor. Possible Ifeanyi Acha. +228 93007641. +228 97172828.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 15:14:06 +0000

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