PRAYER REQUESTS: UPDATES ON PRAYER REQUEST: Misty, Lacey, April Dixon: (our nieces in Ky.) 10/24/14 Prayer for our nieces.. All three of them has loss a classmate in the last two days. Thomas Stone Family: 10/24/14 Pray for the family of Thomas Stone. Thomas was 27 year old and passed away in a car accident. He was a classmate of our niece Misty Dixon, He lived in Ky. Dan Detrick Update on Dan 10/24/14 Another day: Dan sat in a chair for two hours today! He was almost lifted by the physical therapists, but he made it. He is pretty determined to work. Tonight he could barely keep his eyes open to chew his food, so I think he will sleep well. God is GOOD. We are thankful. 10/24/14 Dans surgeon told Dan that his legs were in bad shape. Even his good legs muscle strength is weak, so he will need to work at physical therapy. Then he told Dan he didnt want Dan to be bedridden. Not words Dan wanted to hear. After the surgeon left, Dan was quiet for a while, and then he said, Im going to walk! Late in the afternoon, he had his dressing changed, and he was relieved to have it finished. Your prayers and my belief that the Lord is with us keep me going. Thank you for remembering us with prayers. 10/23/14 Dan is still on cardiac step-down. Doctor is trying to get the atrial fib under control. Dans leg is painful to move. He was only able to sit up with the help of the physical therapists working to get him on the edge of the bed. Dressing has to be changed, and surgeon told nurse and Dan it would be painful. I think he is trying hard to be a trooper. Thanks for keeping him in your prayers. Love to all. 10/22/14(Afternoon) Last night, a nurse called to tell me Dan was being moved to cardiac step-down because his atrial fib was out-of-whack. When I went to see him this morning, he was getting different IVs and was much improved. The Coumadin had to be stopped because of the femur surgery, and that seemed to be the reason. He is in good spirits, but he told me he was a bad boy. After a lab tech missed getting a vein, he told her No more, and he wouldnt let her try again. He is feeling embarrassed about it, and he allowed a new tech to take blood samples today. He also sat up with the assistance of physical therapists, and he had some breakfast. So, again, I am thankful to our loving God. Update on Dan. From his wife Sharon: 10/22/14 Sharon Detrick Thank you, Debbie, for helping with your request for more prayers for Dan. His atrial fib got out of control last night, and he has been moved to cardiac step-down. 10/21/14 Update: Dans surgery went well. The surgeon put a metal plate on the femur. He said Dan would be in the hospital until Friday and then rehab. We appreciate your prayers. God has been good to us.He slept most of the day, and I feel a little overwhelmed tonight. I appreciate any prayers and Dan will, too. God bless you and all of your prayers 10/20/14 Please keep Dan in your prayers. He fell today (10/20/14) and broke his femur, so he is having surgery in the morning. We thank the Lord for His blessings of family and great friends and all he has given us. We are in His loving care. 10/23/14 Emily Ison Family: Please pray for a mother age 29 with 2 small children who lived in Ky. got her wings today at OSU. The sad part is that her kids has two different dads and will probably be separated too. She was having a heart valve surgery and had a stroke and became brain dead. The sad part is that her kids has two different dads and will probably be separated too. Please pray for these children. She is a friend of our niece Lacey Dixon since kindergarten thru high school. Eric Davis: 10/23/14 Eric is a classmate and co worker of our niece April Dixon. He is from Ky. He is at Hospice in Ashland, Ky. He has cancer and is in coma. Pray for Eric and his family for comfort! Larry Dixon 10/23/14: Larry is doing great. Home health came out today and the removed the bandages. P.t comes out Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Home health comes Tuesdays and Thursdays.Only taking one pain pill and that is before he goes to bed. Keep the prayers coming. He is doing so well so far no blood clots! Melissa Young Billet: (:Mother of our grandsons): 10/23/14 Melissa needs lots of prayers. Their is family who love her but she has to do this all by herself. She had a man that loved her, great kids and a home. A lot of people are hurt. It will take a long time to heal. Sherry Sark Hegeman: 10/23/14 From her granddaughter: My Grandma went to the radiologist today. They. said that she will need radiation and also chemotherapy because 2 of the 3 lymph nodes were cancerous. She has an appointment on the 30th with the chemo oncologist. The doctor said that the chemo will come first. After she finishes her chemo treatments then they will start the radiation. She should find out when the chemo will start on the 30th. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts/prayers. A.W. Lee: 10/20/14 Please pray for A. W. breathing treatments to start making him more comfortable. Also pray for his wife Linda. She doesnt feel good and is the caretaker. Larry Dixon: 10/20/14 Larry had knee surgery last Thursday. He is doing P.T. and is able to walk up 3 steps. Keep prayers that he dont get blood clots. The is a problem for him. He has had several strokes. Dave Poling: 10/18/14 Please keep Dave in your prayers. He has been at Kindred Hospital in Dayton for quite awhile. Him and his wife Linda owns Dave Place in Piqua. Keep the family in your prayers. She is trying to keep the business going and trying to go back and forth to see him. It is hard on her. 10/18/14 Update on Mike Mong. Heaven received an angel. Mike just received his wings. Pray for the Mong family. 10/17/14 Mike Mong: This is from Mikes nephew David Mong sending this request:Debbie say a prayer my Uncle Mike. My dads brother. They are calling in the whole family. He is getting ready to pass away from ALS. Mom and Dad are on the way there. Please keep us in your prayers. Everyone please keep Mike and the Mong families in you prayers in this difficult time. Larry Dixon: 10/17/14 He is in recovery knee replacement was good.Dr. added 3/4 inch to the leg too where is leg was shorter. Please keep Larry in your prayers. He has had several strokes due to blood clots. Shannon Lynn Branham: 10/17/14 Im doing better. I was bite by a wolf spider on my right arm on two places my wrist and shoulder. It was really bad infected they had to put me on two different antibiotics Im done with one. The swelling and red is gone dont hurt anymore. The Dr. wiped the infection to get it tested and when he lance it and squeeze it the coral came out there was two. So they tested that too. I will get the results Friday or Saturday. Please keep Shannon in your prayers . 10/18/14 JOY!!!!! With all the serious illness we have had in our family the last nine months and being under stress. Yesterday was a WONDERFUL DAY for David and I.. David has to take a lot of medications and the cost is are in the high dollars. After we were told the insurance company has a donut hole.. It has gotten to be so much for us. With the help of Carl Perkins and A.W. Lee ...these gentlemen told us about going to the VA and get the meds at a lower price. They took us their yesterday and we received wonderful news. We thought we had to use their doctors but you dont have too. So VETS if you need meds you can go their and get the help. It is worth checking into it. Than we came back to A.W. and his wife Lindas home and went out to dinner with them and my sister Diana Zerkle Sark and brother in law Bill Sark to celebrated Bills birthday and the wonderful news we got. Its been awhile since David A. Foster and I had a date by our shelves.. Thank you A. W., Linda, Carl, Diana, Bill and Lori for watching Rodney for us. Thank you David for the much needed date. GOD IS GOOD! Traci and her family 10/15/14 My cousin Amy Finch Health has send this request. Please put my best friend Traci of 32 years on your Prayer List and in your heart...her Dad Rick passed away day before yesterday. He was the most kind, quiet, gentle man. Please keep Traci and her family in your prayers. It is such a shock when a love one dies so fast. Autumn Hall Billets Mother: 10/14/14 Please pray for Autumn mother. She had some teeth pulled and ended up with an infection.. She ended up down at Miami Valley Hospital in ICU on a vent the last few weeks. She has had several surgeries. She lost everything in a house fire also. Please pray that she can start eating. It has to be hard to try and eat with a mouth so sore! Autumn is her caregiving. Give Autumn the strength to be able to help her mother. 10/14/14 Prayers for my nephew who is wanting this special job. Hopefully he will get that phone call he is waiting on. Stephanie: 10/14/14 A friend of Jessica Skaggs needs your prayers. She has ovarian cancer was in remission and had come back for the 2ND time and is at cancer treatment center now and her numbers are going up instead of down even with chemo. She is only 23. Very strong girl but could use some extra prayers. She is waiting on CT results now to get a better idea of what is going on she is hoping kidney problems rather than cancer spreading. Please keep Stephanie in your prayers. Jessica just sent me message as doing this request! Just got word. CT scan showed no cancer but doing chemo today then home from Chicago. PER scan in 3 weeks due to they think might have small amount of cancer hiding out. Prayers are working! Please keep them coming. Lisa Collins: 10/14/14 Lisa is walking with a walker. She is falling a lot and dont know what is wrong. Pray they get the answers soon. Mae Wright: 10/14/14 Maes husband passed away not to long ago. Please pray for comfort. Brenda Smart Bodey 10/14/14 Please pray for Brenda and Ron. Their daughter Laruen was killed in a car accident not to long ago. Be with them adjusting to the loss. The first of each holiday is so hard. Pray that they can get through this time of loss. Sherry Sark Hegeman 10/10/14 UPDATE on Sherry: From her friend Debbie Womack Keaton Ok so an up date on Sherry. It was stage 2 breast cancer. She has to maybe have some chemo not sure until they call her for an appointment. She definitely has to have radiation and he did get it all. Sherry Sark Hegemann: 10/10/14 Everyone say a prayer for Sherry. She will find out today what stage of breast cancer it was and if they got it all and what the next step is. Thanks and God Bless! UPDATE: From Sherrys daughter Rhonda Lewis: 10/14/14 My moms surgery went well. Debbie said she did an awesome job. The 2 lymph nodes that they took out to test were positive for cancer. They removed them. The Dr. is pretty sure that he got all of it. But wont know until she goes back to c the surgeon on Monday. She will also find out what stage of cancer she has and depending on the stage of cancer. Whether she needs chemo or radiation. Im thinking radiation. Thanks for the prayers everyone. Love you all!!! 10/13/14 Sherry found out she has breast cancer. She will be having surgery tomorrow Tuesday, 10/14/14 at 8:00 AM. Prayers for Sherry and the doctors. Steve Billet:(Our son) 10/13/14 Steve went to the family doctor today. The doctor is sitting up a sleep study for him. He says he feels good. Laura Foster Bethel/Lori Foster Bethel (Our daughter) 10/13/14 Laura is home doing well. She is still a little sore from the surgery for the defib. Having to do to several doctor appointments. 10/13/14 Heather Sharon Lawsons daughter is having surgery tomorrow, Pray for good resultsrry and the doctors. A. W. Lee 10/13/14 A. W. was in the hospital with pneumonia. He is home feeling a lot better. His brother in law Bill and sister in law Diana are up from Tn. visiting him and his wife. They are enjoying the visit. Please keep his daughters and families in your prayers. One of the daughter Maria living Texas and the other daughter Melissa lives in Michigan. They are so far away from their parents. Linda Lee: 10/13/14 Linda is A.Ws caretaker and she has some medical problems of her own. Prayers for her to feel better and have the strength being the caretaker. Rick Sark 10/13/14 is home from the hospital. Rick has lung cancer and having chemo treatments. Janelle Sark: 10/13/14 Be with Janelle as she has heart problems. She is being the caretaker for Rick. Pray for less stress. Betty Sark Collins 10/13/14 Betty has been in and out of the hospital with breathing problems. Tammy Blaylock had a seizure. She is doing better 10/13/14 Bill Sark is having knee surgery is Tues Oct 28 at Sycamore Hospital in Miamisburg. Diana Zerkle Sark: my sister 10/13/14 Diana is recovery from knee surgery. Carolyn (Ingerman) Hoops: (my cousin) 10/13/14 Went to see Carolyn with her sister Connie. She get confused at times. She got out of the hospital from having pneumonia. She is feeling better from having. She is weak. Her cancer of the lung has came back again. The family has decided to wait until end of Nov. for another cat scan to see how big it has gotten and go from there. That way she will be a lot stronger. Carolyn has been fighting cancer several times. She is at Eaglewood. Jim Hoops: (my cousin husband) 10/13/14 Pray for her husband JIM HOOPS: Jim is the Villa of Springfield, He is adjusting very well. He loves Bingo! Jim just lost a brother and brother in law with in 2 weeks. 10/13/14 JAXSON is one year little boy. He has hearing aides in both of his little ears, curvature in the spine. He is being tested from Hunter Syndrome or Hurler Syndrome. The family will get the results this Friday (10/10/14). (Havent heard the news yet.) Life expectancy is 10 years. This little guy is adorable! Please keep him and his family in your prayers. We know God can do miracles! (Jaxons mother works with my cousin. Kathy. Kathy called me wanting him on the prayer list. She said she knows prayers do get answers.) Julie Zerkle: (my niece) 10/13/14/14 Julie fell down the stairs with her little boy in her arms. She hurt herself. She dont need any more stress on her. She is fighting breast cancer and doing chemo treatments. I dont know how Julie does it. She is taking chemo. working a job, taking care of her family (2 little boys can keep a person busy). She is one strong person! 1013/14 JOY!! Ben Bush: (Davids nephew) He was so sick the first of the year and just got back home in July. He saw one of many doctors for the last time. Has one more doctor to see on Wed. ad hopefully he is done with doctors! He is doing well. It is a miracle that Ben is with us also. God is Good! 10/02/14 Dianna Fager and family: This request if from a co worker Terri Bowermaster from Forest Glen: Please keep this family in your prayers. They need a miracle!! Terri says: My Dear Friends, I really never post anything on facebook. I may pass something on from time to time so know that this is heartfelt for me to post. I have a co-worker/friend an amazing lady her name is Dianna Fager. I want to tell you her story. In November 2006 her son was diagnosed with brain tumors that were cancer, 2 months later she was dx with breast cancer they went thru chemo together . A few months ago her husband was dx with stage 4 lung cancer. They are losing everything. I ask your prayers for this family. Please ask God to wrap his arms around this family and shower them with his love. George Bolin: Keep George in your prayers. He is doing treatments for cancer. Be with his wife Bert and their son, daughter in law and grandson. They have been a big help for their parents. Ron Frock: Prayer for Ron. He had some breathing problems. Some good days and some bad days.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 23:31:55 +0000

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