PRAYER SHIFT Jacob said to the angel of the Lord: I will not - TopicsExpress


PRAYER SHIFT Jacob said to the angel of the Lord: I will not let you go, except you bless me. (Gen. 32:26). And from the fruit of his wrestling in prayers the world until eternity continues to reap blessings upon blessings through Christ, our Saviour. And John Knox cried to the Lord of heaven: Give me Scotland, or I die! And from the revival that sprang from his prayers the whole of Scotland was set ablaze spiritually for Christ. Have you ever been so in tune with the mind of God in prayer that you leave Him with little or no option but to grant your request expressly? Have you ever counted any cause dear to the heart of God of so much worthy of an answer in prayer, that you count your own life for nothing besides? Of a truth, we have lived so selfishly for too long. Requiring so little of God in prayers for concerns that do not benefit us directly. We have beheld so little of the vision for which Christ bled and died on His cross. And if the truth be told, even to our shame, every believer ought to rise from prayer with a definite & concrete help for our world, something we have so neglected to do - especially now that she is bleeding so profusely. For how can we begin to impact our world but first with love for them in our hearts? And with heart-felt prayers in our mouths before the sovereign Lord? How can we possess the land and occupy it for Christ, when unlike Jacob & John Knox, the visions that we see are akin to: to your tents O Israel? Let us shift our prayer focus drastically from self-realization, to Christ Kingdom realization. For only then can we lay hold of the purpose for which Christ has laid hold of us. OPEN OUR HEARTS O LORD, TO BEHOLD THE THINGS THAT YOU BEHOLD. AND OUR HEARTS, TO FEEL THE THINGS THAT YOU FEEL. DELIVER US FROM THE PRISON & TYRANNY OF SELF, TO THE INTENT THAT OUR HEART CRY MIGHT SOUND EXACTLY LIKE YOURS. AND THAT OUR LONGING MIGHT MOVE US IN THE WAY YOU ARE LEADING...IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST WE PRAY! #PrayerShift
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 20:21:29 +0000

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