PRAYER.... The Question shouldn`t be DOES GOD ANSWER Prayers ? - TopicsExpress


PRAYER.... The Question shouldn`t be DOES GOD ANSWER Prayers ? The Question Should be " DO WE PRAY....." I don`t mean a 2 min. prayer, I mean do we get in our Pray Closet and just pray before GOD IN HIS Presents.... Pray for break through ,Pray for GOD to MOVE. -- NOT in your Me, ME ,life but in this World that we are Living in ...where God Himself is being taken out of every part of it and we just set around and let it happen .... Prayer out of Schools....this was just a start... the TEN Commandments out of everywhere.... "IN GOD WE TRUST " off our money...and They have told a Chaplin to take the word GOD out of his Prayer BECAUSE IT WILL OFFEND THE muslims...HUM....TO bad.....and our president supports this....Pray ..I DON`T know...... GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS .... WE NEED TO GET SERIOUS ABOUT GOD .... WE ARE IN A WAR... THE HOLY BIBLE SAIDS IN EPH. 6 VS. 12 " FOR WE WRESTLE NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD , BUT AGAINST PRINCIPALITIES , AGAINST POWERS , AGAINST THE RULERS OF THE DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD , AGAINST SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES....." SOUNDS LIKE WE`RE IN A BATTLE ...... BUT GOD GAVE US ARMOUR ...(EPH. 6 v 13-24) the WORD --Our Sword ........................... DO WARFAIR --IN PRAYER......
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 02:59:07 +0000

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