PRAYER WARRIORS! Keep in mind, that when you commit to - TopicsExpress


PRAYER WARRIORS! Keep in mind, that when you commit to FAITHFULLY PRAY, there are many who will doubt you, and your sincerity. PRAY ANYWAY, because its between YOU, and GOD. Its never been about doubters. We will continue to ask for prayers for the town of LaPlace, and the entire PARISH of ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, as we are faced with continued crime and senseless murders, and wrong doing. Lord, please protect the innocent who work to support their families, and contribute to society. We pray for protection of these citizens and law enforcement who face these cowards daily. Prayers for the safe return of the 200 young girls kidnapped in Nigeria. We continue to pray for all the families who have lost, or laid a love one to rest recently. We continue to pray for Claire, who was born to, Kenny & Trista M. Brazan. Trista, know we are storming the heavens with prayers for you, Claire, your family, and all the physicians caring for you both. Sending much love too! We also keep Baby Aiden, in our prayers for strength, and healing. Special intention for another dear friends baby boy. Lets pray that physicians, and therapist will help this little fella heal soon. For the nephew of, Jerri Mayeux Dauzat Joey, who has been diagnosed with Leukemia. Thank you all for these prayers. Special request from, Lovey Barre Comeaux for a friend fighting cancer. Please pray for a dear friend, Natalie Louque Chabaudwho suffered a TIA, (mild stroke). This newly married young lady, is as close to me as my children, and I thank you for your prayers. Please keep her husband, Jason Chabaud in prayer, as their home has been effected by flooding. Prayers of healing for the great nephew of my dear friend, Lila Jeter. This little fella is home, but is facing a long road and will need our continued prayers. Special intention of healing and strength for, Chelsee Martin. God knows her needs. Special intention from, Leslie Caulk Michiels, for their friend, Wayne. We pray for a successful surgery, and full recovery. Please keep Roger Price, another friend in prayer for healing and strength. For the family of, Shirley Laneaux, who has lost her mother today, and a special intention for my friend, Kathy Welling Hebert. For Brandy Lynns sister, Heather. For Pamela Montz, as she continues treatment. We pray for strength, and healing. Keep us posted, Pam, and remember were here to help in any way. For Joan Frederic LeBouefs healing. Special intention for healing of Susan T. Dufrenes husband and grand daughter. Keeping, Kay Rene Reeves brother in prayer for healing, and strength. Special intention for the mother of a dear friend, Becky Theresa Hymel. For my sister, Yvonne, who will continue to need our prayers. We continue asking for healing prayers for April Hathorne Magee and her husband. Asking for EXTRA prayers for Aprils husband, Gary Magee, who is waiting on a lung transplant. Prayers for the mother of Donald Troxclair, and his entire family. Prayer request from, Donna Delbasty Duhe for her cousin, Frances who is beginning treatments for leukemia. We also keep her husband, David, and mother, Lotus in prayer. We are also asking for prayers for her cousin, Lorie Delbasty, who has delivered her baby. BIG prayers for this new life coming in this world! Special request from Terri Louque. Prayers for, Gerri Hymel. We also ask for continued prayers for the healing of Juanita-Steven Guidry Bourgeoiss son, Thomas. Juanita says the first cast has been removed, all looks good, but another surgery will be required as his hand grows. Prayers of healing for, Rochelle Bourgeoiss husband, Gerald. Prayer request from, Jay Meyer for a friend who needs prayers for healing. We have offered prayers for a request of our faithful PRAYER WARRIOR, Tammy Dupre, and learned there are more difficult situations to pray for. Please keep this family in your thoughts, and prayers and lets pray for strength as well. Prayers for one of our own, Theresa Fontan Babin. Special intention for, Debbie Keller. For Carolyn Foley Howell Misner, Trudy Bourg Torress brother, for Wayne Vicknairs dad, we pray for full healing. Request from, Debi Landry. We pray for healing for Phyllis Remondet Madere. Special request from, Sherri Wishaw-Wooley for an unborn baby who will need surgery at birth, and later. Request from Kelly Keating Boe, and Muriel Licciardi for health issues. For the full recovery of friends and their daughter of, Loren Genn who has been released from the hospital and continues down the road to recovery. UPDATE ON : John Hausmann So much for great weather. After surgury doc says keep leg elevated much as possible for 2 weeks! He cut my tibie and took out 2 wires and put in another rod! Gettin antsy here! FOUR intentions for me. We know we pray with conviction for each of our prayer request with faith. For Mr. Terry Carters full recovery. We ask for prayers of healing for, Beth Bourgeoiss daughter, Jessica as she has a long recovery time from injuries suffered in an accident. Prayers of thanksgiving that she is alive. We know He has big plans for this young lady. Continued prayers for the daughter of, CandaceJeremy Hoover, Carley Hoover. She suffers from daily chronic migraines, and may have found an answer to the problem. We pray the treatment is successful. Candace, please keep us updated. For a special intentions for, J Joseph Tuircuits mother, and a special request for him. Special request from Jennifer McQuillion, Hazel Guillot Oubre, for Bruce Simoneaux. For Nanette Tregre Kunkels healing, as well as for her husband, John, and son, Matt. For the prayer request of Susan Roussel Poirriers parents, and a special request for a great friend. Prayer request of, Karen Leopard McKnight for her mom, Doris, and niece, Amanda White Vanderlick. Request of Debbie Labit Strickss as she prayers for a young girl, Skyla. Continued prayers for, Deacon Dave Farinelli and also keeping Ms. Peggy in prayer too. UPDATE, Deacon Dave is in remission , and we offer prayers of thanksgiving for this huge answered prayer! Healing for Byron Millet my friend Terry Strayer. For the request of Robin Burst Lewis and Wendy Wicksell Peytavins request for, Lance Peytavin. Also, prayer request from, Kathy Hawthorne for the healing of her nephew, who is in remission. For Sharon Aymond Lowery continued healing. For the prayer request from Doreen D. Landry for her dad, and for strength and understanding for Doreen. For my friend, Peggy Broussard Essicks, 13 yr. old grand daughter, who is facing more treatments for Leukemia. We pray for continued positive results. For For Missy McCampbell Meyers sister in laws healing. Special intention for, Sandra St Pierre-Vicknair. Prayers of strength, and healing for another 13 year old, Veronica Hebert from Paulina. Request from, Suzette Hullette her friend, Eric Arvin, as he recovers from surgery for removal of a brain stem cell tumor. Eric has been released, and is now home. We continue to pray for recovery, and his partner, T.J. Klune. Request for prayers for TWO friends whom I consider FAMILY. They are both in need of strength and healing. Prayers for BUD BRITTAIN. Please keep him, and Kathleen in prayer for healing, and strength. Prayers of thanksgiving for this blessing! Please remember the reason we began this nightly prayer, our LAW ENFORCEMENTs protection and needs, as well as our MILITARY. We especially say a prayer for the new deputies to our parish. May God keep them safe, as they protect all of us. We pray our parish residents are all safe from harm, and continue to alert officials of suspicious activities in your area. SIXTEEN special intentions for those who do not wish to be listed, and prayers of thanksgiving for the prayers answered. Please add your needs
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 01:44:06 +0000

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