PRAYERS NEEDED. THIS IS WHAT IS GOING ON RECENTLY IN LIFE! (READ BEFORE WATCHING THE VIDEO!) The MOST MEMORABLE DEED of my 2014 was helping out Invasion Athletix (CHECK OUT THEIR FACEBOOK PAGE) to enter a contest so they can get help from Eddie and Orby from Cheerhab. What led to this? Well, when Coach Tamiika Barthomelow, and Coach Allison Rossman told me how they were struggling financially and heard the stories of many cheerleaders of how they were struggling financially, and they needed the help, I felt a calling from God to give these guys a hand and do my best to help them win this contest. I heard stories where Invasion Athletix was like their home, where they felt accepted, where they had a family and people to support them. Thats what gave me motivation to help these guys out. When I asked for help from two so called friends, and these friends wanted money, yet even when I mentioned to them that these cheerleaders were struggling financially they wanted so MUCH an HOUR. I felt embarrassed, upset, disappointed and bad that these two friends didnt want to help me or this group from their heart, but for money, even after the THINGS I did for them, giving them rides home, being there for them when they needed me. It was BS. I was SO MAD AT THEM. It was frustrating. So I call up my talented friend whos a talented singer, Dillon Bien to help me out. I knew this dude for a couple of months. Hes so talented! Chemeketa knows what I am talking about lol. Anyways he helped me out and I wanna give him a huge shout out! When the video was finished with editing help from Miika Bartholomew, everything was going downhill, but we didnt give up. It was finals week for me and too much work on my shoulders, but I was still motivated to help these guys out. I prayed so much for this Squad, that theyd get the help they needed ASAP. At that time, I had little faith in prayer because I was mad at these two guys who wanted money to help these cheerleaders. I found out within the year that they won the contest!!! It was amazing! I have been super EAGER TO WATCH the new Season of CHEERHAB on youtube. *HENCE, I AM NOT INTO CHEERLEADING AT ALL* If it wasnt for the help of Dillion, Miika with editing and the motivation from these cheerleaders, I wouldve given up! Thank you guys for that memorable day! Im supporting you guys all the way! You guys are always in my prayers! STAY TUNED FOR MY OPENING VIDEO FOR MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL NEXT MONTH. THIS INTERVIEW WILL TEAR YOU UP AND MAKE YOU HAPPY and maybe CRY because it HAPPENED! SEASON 2 of CHEERHAB PREMIERES ON 1/24 ON YOUTUBE!!!
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 08:08:52 +0000

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