PRAYING URSELF INTO TROUBLE For more than two decades now, I - TopicsExpress


PRAYING URSELF INTO TROUBLE For more than two decades now, I had been looking for the virtue in Hezekiahs prayer and the 15 additional yrs God added to him. . Taking a close look at 2Kings 20:1-21:7, we will discover that: 1. Hezekiah prayed opposite of the perfect will of God for him(20:1). It was not a witch that told him he would died, neither a threat from an enemy. But a word from a loving heavenly Father who had seen him fulfilled. 2. The fifteen additional years did not record any positive thing. Rather it show cased his pride and selfishness. Pride on the ground that, instead of taking his visitors to the temple where he got answer that delivered him Sennacherib, he took them round his palace and showed them his wealth. Selfishness on the ground that,when Isaiah told him of what would become of those treasures and children in the future, he did not care to pray again. Hear him, Good is the word of the LORD that you have spoken...Is it not good if peace and truth be in my days?(20:19) . He had no concern for the future of his successors. In chapter 21 vs 1, we see that Manasseh who succeeded him was 12yrs old when Hezekiah died. Which means, Manasseh was born 3yrs after the recovery of Hezekiah. And we see how wicked and opposite of Hezekiahs he was. Had Hezekiah allowed the will of God then and died, perharps there would have bin a better person to succeed him; who would have built on his good works. If we dont take time, we can pray against ourselves in our quest for one thing or the other. When we pray opposite the will of God, we are praying against ourselves. And God can still answer us, but that answer will be a problem to us(Psalm 106:13-15). Some people are suffering in marriage today because they insisted on God over a particular person. Let us be careful about how we present matters to God in prayer. I may here say that, what moves God to answer prayer is more persistency and faith, than what we are asking for. GOD ANSWERS PRAYR
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 08:55:41 +0000

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