PRAZ THE LORD FB, Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and - TopicsExpress


PRAZ THE LORD FB, Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. I read this study this morning and the break down is really worth reading. What is his Kingdom? The Kingdom of The Lord JESUS is radically different from the way you and I naturally think and act and different from the way we structure human society. It is unexpected, shocking, and topsy-turvy to human sensibilities. The unexpected and radical nature of the kingdom is why JESUS spends so much time trying to explain what the kingdom from heaven is like and why people so seldom understand. The Beatitudes gives us an image of the blessed ones that is just the opposite of what we would naturally value- they are the poor in spirit, the persecuted, the mourning, the meek. The parable of the kingdom paint for us pictures where the smallest seed produces the largest tree, and where the last- come workers receive the same reward. JESUS model of life shoes open armed compassion for the downtrodden, the touching of the leper, the exalting if the lowly child, the welcoming of the Gentile, and the listening ear for blind outcast beggars. As king of the universe he enters Jerusalem not on a warhorse or golden chariot but riding humbly on a donkey. As king of all he willing rides into the city where iron nails will soon be used to hang him naked on a cross in the scorching sun. As this king instructs us we learn that the one who wants to be first should not exercise an overbearing leadership style, but should the slave of all. The one who is blessed by GOD with material wealth should set it aside to follow CHRIST. The one who desires to save his life must in fact die. Such is the radical nature if the vision of the kingdom that JESUS gives.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 16:41:37 +0000

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