PRE-ORDER START NOW! SELLING @ $29 INCLUDED REGISTERED MAIL! Chaldduk Bosong Bosong BB Cream provide soft skin and moisture at the same time. Unlike others BB cream might give you dry and crumbing feeling. Our BB cream also naturally cover freckles, chloasma, blemish and skin texture remain the same after apply! This is not a simple or normal BB cream, it block the UV by SPF 50+++ that will caused skin wrinkles and skin cancer. At the same time it reduce wrinkles and whitening effect. One of our main ingredients is Blueberry Extract. It is actually a good skin health vitamin that remove the bad pathogenic and bacterium of body. Try this now! All in one solution BB cream that you will definitely love it! To order please contact us @ +65 97505108 For bulk order please email to us @ Sgluminouskin@gmail https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.459335160859787.1073741850.425807934212510&type=3
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:29:27 +0000

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