PRE TRIB RAPTURE??? Proverbs 31:21....... Dear friend, guard - TopicsExpress


PRE TRIB RAPTURE??? Proverbs 31:21....... Dear friend, guard Clear Thinking and Common Sense with your life; dont for a minute lose sight of them So, clear thinking ( logic) and common sense will be the yardstick for this post . The teaching that there will be a pre tribulation rapture is becoming more and more prevalent...and insidious, as the days go by. Those who believe this teaching take NO notice of any contradictory scripture....they reject it as if it wasnt if their belief is correct and that God has made an obvious mistake by inserting scriptures that interfere with their teaching. Well, very little scripture will be used in this post ......( pearls and swine come to mind ) but common sense and logic ( based ON what the Word actually says) will , hopefully prevail. So....heres the theory in a nut shell : Before the great tribulation hits the world, all believers will be raptured (snatched away), off this earth....and taken to heaven , to be with Jesus, all warm and cozy and out of any strife that the rest of humanity will suffer. So....lets look at this using clear thinking and common sense....those attributes that God says to guard with our lives. First, has it escaped your attention that Christians around the world are being slaughtered....RIGHT NOW...for their faith in Christ ? What happened to THEIR rapture ? WHY are Christians in Libya, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Sudan....just to name a few countries.....WHY are they NOT being raptured ? Is it because the rapture is not due to start yet ? Is that because the WEST hasnt started to undergo this persecution yet ? Are pre tribbers suggesting that ONLY Western Christians will be raptured ? COMMON sense says that if there was going to be a rapture of believers then not ONE believer will be beheaded or killed in ANY way ....because otherwise they are saying that God favours SOME Christians over others. Is it ONLY Western Christians who will be raptured ? What verse, chapter or book is that in ? Does God play favourites with His Saints ? Does He prefer the white American or British or Canadian or New Zealand or Australian believer....over those from third world countries ? Is it because we are wealthier or more educated ? Does He favour us Westerners because we are more intelligent or that we give more money to the church ? No?? THEN ...WHAT is it that says we are MORE special or more loved than Christians whose heads are being displayed on spikes......whose children ( the little one God LOVES) are being beheaded also...and cut in half ? WHAT is it we are doing that makes us SO much better than, more loved than....these people who refuse to convert to islam....even knowing they will be slaughtered? or did we just get lucky enough not to be selected for persecution? Isnt that the endurance that Jesus spoke of ? Pre trib believers ARE saying that they are MORE special than any apostle.....ALL but one of who were killed ...stoned, murdered, crucified upside down .....for their faith. They ARE saying that THEY will escape what the 1st century Christians didnt....being hunted down and Herod, Nero, Saul ( who became Paul)......and any number of saints who have been killed throughout history for their faith....right up to the present day. How deceived and deluded can one get ? The one thing that has escaped pre tribbers is this: The tribulation is directed AT believers. If we were ALL raptured away there would be NO tribulation. The trib is not Gods doing...but satans and it is conducted AGAINST believers. Matthew 24: 9-14 says this..... 9 “Then they will hand you over for persecution, and they will kill you. You will be hated by all nations because of My name. 10 Then many will take offense, betray one another and hate one another. 11 Many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. 12 Because lawlessness will multiply, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But the one who endures to the end will be delivered. 14 This good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a testimony to all nations. And THEN the end will come. HOW CLEAR IS THIS ? Jesus is telling His disciples that at the end of the age BELIEVERS will go through tribulation. We will be hated because we profess Jesus. Believers will hate and betray each other. False prophets will abound, lawlessness ( rebellion against God) will increase within the body and the love of many believers will grow cold. But...the one who endures to the END ( of the world) WILL be delivered ..... kept safe from Gods wrath .....when the END comes. The tribulation is NOT Gods wrath....that comes AFTER the trib, when Jesus returns, with FIRE (Luke 17:28-30 ) destroy the wicked. THIS is Gods wrath, on ALL wicked mankind...and THIS we will be delivered from....kept safe from...for we are not appointed to wrath. see, they have an answer to all this, these pre tribbers. They tell us that the Christians , as described in Matthew 24...are FUTURE Christians....those who have come to Christ AFTER the church has been raptured . So...what they are actually saying is that ALL future Christians are exempt from being protected by God from the death that He WILL protect all Western Christians from, ...that these future Christians will have to undergo what these pre tribbers will escape. In other words.... all modern day third world Christians AND future Christians will NOT be loved enough by God so as to be raptured out of any trouble. IS this REALLY what the Word of God teaches ? REALLY ? Something is drastically, radically, wrong.....if you believe so. THIS makes me sick....sick at heart. think that many believe that they are SO special that they are exempt from undergoing what millions of faithful believers ( in the God of Israel and in His Son ) have undergone since the time of Adam and Eve. This IS a deception, a delusion. The rapture theory is based on a dream by a 15 year old Scottish girl . This dream ended up as a truth in 1830 in England. This proof was taken to America, by Schofield , who wrote his own version of the bible....and was subsequently taught, as a fact, at the Dallas Theological Seminary. CHECK IT OUT. Thank you Father.....always, always, you allow us to see the logic and common sense of what YOU say in Your Word....and the inconsistency, the folly, the lies that are taught by man. Praise God....for common sense....and logic.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 05:09:09 +0000

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