PRE-TRIBULATION HARPAZO CASE: The correct Prophetic application - TopicsExpress


PRE-TRIBULATION HARPAZO CASE: The correct Prophetic application nugget.... we should not and cannot prophetically apply JESUS END TIMES Olivet Discourse in MATTHEW 24 as applicable towards the CHURCH (the BRIDE). The Book of Matthews was written especially for the Jews to prove that JESUS is the predicted MESSIAH/ CHRIST. Thus JESUS was answering the Disciples questions concerning the coming and the end of the age from a proper JEWISH context. In other words, the Disciples were asking questions as Jew- not yet as the foundation of the Church - while they were thinking of the end of the age (EPHESIANS 2:20). Thus, according to this widely accepted prophetic interpretation, JESUS analogy of the signs and the beginning of sorrows (in the Greek= birth pangs [sorrows in MATTHEW 24:8] relates solely to the 1st half of the coming 7 year Tribulation. The Disciples would understand the Gospel of the Kingdom as being a proclamation that the MESSIAH was coming to reveal HIMSELF fully as Israels KING. So, PRE-MILLENNIAL prophetic thought generally agrees that the signs culminate during the 1st Half of the Tribulation leading up to the Abomination of Desolation, or the Anti-christ claiming to be GOD inside the rebuilt JERUSALEM Temple. And lastly, unquestionably, the last half of the Tribulation is described in verses 15-26, leading up to the Glorious Coming which ends the Tribulation and introduces the Millennial Kingdom. I could go on... but................
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 00:13:47 +0000

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