PRECAUTION It is deeply concerning as to how many of my fellow - TopicsExpress


PRECAUTION It is deeply concerning as to how many of my fellow patriots seem to be placing all their hope into the upcoming midterm election in November, and especially those who believe we need to just wait until the 2016 election! Please understand that voting in our elections is vital, even though the integrity of our electoral system is gravely fractured, where voter fraud is no longer merely a concern but has become predominant in determining who will win. Beyond that, the people of this nation have absolutely no say as to who the candidates for the Presidency will be, that is being decided by the same group who put Obama into office! As to the upcoming midterm election, even if what we the people would view the optimum outcome came to be, it would change nothing! The reason comes down to logic and common sense, first, we know for certain that a significant number of Republican Senators are more accurately labeled as RINOs, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Thad Cochran, Mitch McConnell, Orin Hatch, and Susan Collins to name just a portion of them. Remember, 25 Republican Senators voted for abolishing the 17th Amendment! If we agree that Barack Obama must be impeached immediately great, let us start there, the process of impeachment begins in the House of Representatives, it only takes one to file the Articles of Impeachment, though it takes the vote of a committee to get it to the House Floor, the good news is that once it is there, a simple majority is all that is required to impeach. The Obstacle is the U.S. Senate, where a 2/3rd majority is required, that is, 67 of the 100 Senators must vote in favor of impeachment! Taking into consideration the optimum outcome of the upcoming midterm elections, the number of Senators with an (R) by their name could be as many as 52, with 2 Independents, leaving 46 seats for the Democrats! Okay, now what? We know that we need each and every Senator with an (R) by their name, as well as the two Independents, leaving us with a shortage of 13 votes ...... if in fact we can count on all 52 supposed Republicans. If we want to be a little more realistic we could guesstimate that at least 42 of the Republican Senators would vote for impeachment, plus the two Independents, leaving us with a shortage of 23 votes from our goal. The one element lacking in our conversation thus far pertaining to the likelihood of how many Senators will vote for impeaching Obama, is the absence of the single most powerful motivator of all; the peoples voices! The Fact is that out of every 730 days the peoples voices are only heard on 2 of them, when we vote, which is once every two years! As to the remaining 728 days, well, the Senators and Representatives in Congress may here a squabble here and there, but be rest assured, the people of this nation have never harnessed the true power they possess, which can only be generated by millions of people joining them together into perfect harmony. The Point is simple, if the people were serious about saving their nation they would take whatever steps are necessary to do so, and since our freedoms and liberties are on the line, as well as those of our children and grandchildren, we should! With millions of people from each and every State in the U.S. are synchronized with each other, and every Senator is being bombarded with demands to support the impeachment of Obama, and which continue without ceasing every day of the week around the clock, then, and only then will they believe that the peoples convictions are real. Only under such an intense outcry from the American people can the people have the right to expect that enough Senators will indeed vote for impeaching Obama. was established for that purpose, understanding that in order to provide everyone the opportunity to participate, that the amount of time and energy each person would need to donate would be kept at a bare minimum. Which was determined to be 7 minutes of time once a week! Pledge 7 provides each member with everything they will need to complete their tasks in under 7 minutes of time. Seven minutes once a week times 10 million people equals 70 million minutes a week, 30 million people equates to 210 million minutes a week, minutes that are devoted to achieving the objectives set forth by the People. Join today, all we ask is 7 minutes of your time once a week.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 03:44:04 +0000

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