( PRECIOUS HOLY SPIRIT ), what a comfort to the - TopicsExpress


( PRECIOUS HOLY SPIRIT ), what a comfort to the church. Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the comforter will not come unto you, but if I depart, I will send Him unto you. (John 16:7). . . I like to share something beautiful with us, about the precious Holy Spirit, The power of an endless life (Heb.7:16), The captain and commander in chief of the Host of Heaven (Josh.5:13-15), The executor of Gods plan on earth (Gen.1:2). . I feel for those who do not know, nor believe the work the Holy Spirit has come to accomplish in our lives; talking about the comfort we have in Him. . I dont even know why some of my guys are no more commenting, and I do hope they still follow, cos it takes the power of the Holy Spirit to be consistent in spiritual matters; and may I say this, what you are reading is not of man, neither is it one of those tales that makes people feel good, nor a theoretical abstract, cos your idea about a thing determines your response to it. So I like to let you know they are of the Spirit of God. . . While Jesus was physically here, He was indeed a comfort to the disciples; no wonder when He anounced His departure they became sorrowful, but He tried to convince them that its better for you that I go. (John 16:5-7). . You can imagine how they felt knowing the comfort they had enjoyed from Him; At one occassion the devil attempted to finish the disciples with storm right in the middle of the sea, but Jesus began to walk on top of the storm, what a comfort. (Matth.14:23-32). On another occassion He rebuked the boisterous wind and there was a great calm (Matth.8:23-27), one day the disciples were embarrassed by task collectors, but Jesus saved the day (Matth. 17:27). . With this you can imagine how they felt when Jesus said to then I go to my Father; but we have another Comforter who has come for an expediential work in our lives. . Christianity without the Holy Spirit would mean building on sand, and can be so disgusting and frustrating, because the winds will blow, the storm will come, the rain will fall on it, and there will be no comfort (Matth.7:24-27) Jesus said to them, dont go anywhere yet till He comes; (Acts.1:4). . He does open your eyes to understand the mysteries, divine secrets of Gods word (1Cor.2:9-12). . He reveals to you the purpose of your life, (vision) and (dreams) (Joel 2:28). . He turns the wilderness of the heart of man into a fruitful field (Isa.32:15). . He is the abundance of grace that empowers you to reign and have mastry over all things, the devil inclusive. (Rom.5:17). . He is the Fathers seal of ownership in you; without Him you have no Identity with or before God. (Gal.4:6). . Beloveth, there is absolutely nothing God can do in your life, eccept through Him, the Holy Spirit. . Because of what God is about to do in your lives through this medium, I wouldnt want any of my followers to be left behind. . I will like you to be filled with the Holy Ghost, with the intial evidence of speaking in other tongues as we flow together. If you havnt yet get this clear, I will like you to go to my profile and read some post tagged, spiritual exercise and its effect, part 1-3. And you can get filled, but incase you still cannot, call me on this line and you will be filled +234-7032979880. God bless you till I hear your comment.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 00:24:28 +0000

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