PRECIOUS IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD IS THE DEATH OF HIS SAINTS. ( PSALM 116:5 ) We all experience the death of one of our loved ones while we are here on Earth. Therefore we may take comfort in knowing that they are now with God. For it is written that when we die; THE DUST RETURNS TO THE GROUND IT CAME FROM, AND THE SPIRIT RETURNS TO GOD WHO GAVE IT. ( ECCLESIASTES 12:7 ) Family take comfort in knowing you will see them again, for it isnt the end of them but only the beginning! The beginning of a much better life where; HE WILL WIPE AWAY EVERY TEAR FROM THEIR EYES. THERE WILL BE NO MORE DEATH OR MOURNING OR CRYING OR PAIN, FOR THE OLD ORDER OF THINGS HAS PASSED AWAY. ( REVELATION 21:4 ) Family you have just experienced the loss of a loved one,the following message is for you! It has Ministered to many and I pray that it will help you as well. Further, if you havent experienced that loss, perhaps you know someone who has and would appreciate receiving it. If so, please feel free to share it with them! It is called: SAFELY HOME I am home in Heaven, dear ones; Oh, so happy and so bright! There is perfect joy and beauty In this everlasting light. All the pain and grief is over, Every restless tossing passed; I an now at peace forever, Safely home in Heaven at last. Did you wonder I so calmly Trod the valley of the shade? Oh! But Jesus love illumined Every dark and fearful glade. And He came Himself to meet me In that way so hard to tread; And with Jesus arm to lean on, Could I have one doubt or dread? Then you must not grieve so sorely, For I love you dearly still: Try to look beyond earths shadows, Pray to trust our Fathers Will. There is work still waiting for you, So you must not idly stand Do it now, while life remaineth,You shall rest in Jesus land. When that work is all completed, He will gently call you Home; Oh, the rapture of that meetings Oh, the joy to see you come.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 11:25:26 +0000

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