PRECIOUS SEEDS; SAT 20TH SEPT. VINE BRANCH MINISTRIES BOLDNESS AND ACCESS MORNING: Ephesians 3:1-12 Boldness connotes fearlessness while access means having permission, liberty or ability to enter approach or communicate with a person or place. Thank God for the blood of Jesus. Through our faith in Christ’s blood we have boldness and access with confidence into God’s presence- the place of glory –see verse 12. In the Old Testament, entrance into God’s presence (the most holy place) was highly restricted as well as risky. Any error on the part of the High Priest (who had access just once a year to the Holy place) could translate to death. Christ’s sacrifice on the cross changed all that for good. Today, we have access into the presence of our loving Father at any time with confidence that He will hear us and hearken to our cries. Friends, we are blessed to know that our prayers are always effective and that our Father is ever available to listen to us. Thank you, Heavenly Father. Meditate on: Heb 4:15-16. EVENING: Proverb 28:1-5 It takes righteousness to be bold. No wonder verse 1 of our text says ‘’ The wicked flee when no man pursueth; but the righteous are bold as a lion’’. Whereas wickedness torments, being in right standing with God guarantees peace and safety. The blood of Christ alone made us righteous and His sacrifice on the cross alone bought us acceptance: We therefore have boldness and access. Hallelujah! Action: Thank God for the blood of Jesus Christ. To Study the Bible this year, Study today Isaiah 58-81. Good morning..... Its a great weekend!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 05:09:16 +0000

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