PREDICTION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THROUGH HIS MOST REVD EMINENCE ANOINTED PROPHET E.A.A ADEONIGBAGBE ON JANUARY 1ST 2014 AT CELICA CHURCH OF CHRIST, KM 7, NEW IFE ROAD,IBADAN,OYO STATE,NIGERIA. THE NIGERIAN FINANCIAL SECTOR MAY COLLAPSE IN 2014 No-one likes negative prophecies but a prophet has to speak out what the Lord has sent him to say. Prophecies that seem negative are for correction by the affected individual or institutions.Negative prophecies can be averted by intercessions and repentance by those involved. Proverbially “THE PALM TREE OF NIGERIA HAS BEEN CUT AT THE TOP” and it is now useless. Nigeria is likened to those living in estates in the past but who have started living in mud houses. Chickens will still feed on each other.The ball has been broken what will the child now play with. People will wash clothes but it will not be dried i.e evil people will work but they will not be satisfied.” The river will be split into two says the Lord. A spiritual volcanic eruption is unfolding unless the face of the Lord is seeked. Watch for events that will unfold in 2014. NIGERIA 1. Seek the Lord this year. Before going out or embarking on any journey always read psalm 23 vs. 1 at least( 3ce).Pray to the Lord to protect you against the evil occurrences of 2014. 2. This is a year of blessings for those who seek the Lord. The Lord will shower his blessings on them. Nigeria’s ship is sinking fast so Nigerians need to seek God’s face in other to receive their blessings in the midst of the plagues which will affect the country in 2014. 3. There will be relative peace between January and March, 2014 .There will be great incidents/crisis in the country that will not augur well for the country unless prayers are offered for the well being of the country. 4. Three big secrets will be revealed that will involve those in power, those close to the corridors of power and law enforcement agencies in Nigeria 5. Nigeria is polluted with the blood of the innocent. The Lord will unleash his wrath on them (Religious, Political, Traditional ,Economic ,Judicial leaders and people) who hide under the cloak of darkness to perpetrate evil. They will be exposed. 6. There are 4 individuals that are holding Nigeria to ransom. They and their lieutenants will meet their waterloo this year. The Lord will bring them to judgment this year. 7. Foodstuffs will be very expensive this year. Endearvour to go into Agriculture (no matter the scale) this year or stock foodstuffs in your homes to cater adequately for your needs. 8. Let us pray against fire incidents for people in the petroleum business this year. They should sanctify their vehicles and offices with fervent prayers this year. 9. Let us pray against monumental losses for those in the poultry business this year. 10. The crisis will still continue in Northwestern and Northeastern parts of Nigeria unless there is an intercession through fervent prayers. 11. Let us pray against great number of deaths through sicknesses, accidents and unnatural causes (sudden deaths) this year. Deaths, through the following means, will be a common occurrence in Nigeria. 12. People must be warned to be careful in their movements especially at night; beware of food and drinks whose background is questionable thus says the Lord. 13. There will be a lot of surprising news (Iroyin kayefi) in 2014. 14. The flag of Nigeria was seen flying at half mast; let us pray to avert a great tragedy in the nation in 2014. 15. There will be bankruptcy in Nigeria and globally. Nigeria will be more pronounced in bankruptcy related issues in 2014. 16. There will be more crisis in political parties in Nigeria in 2014.The crisis will engulf a lot of people in the political circles. 17. In the 2013 predictions, the Lord said the thin cow will feed on the fat cow, the interpretation is thus; the blessing of 2014 for Nigeria has been engulfed by negative forces; Nigeria need prayers to be liberated from the spiritual darkness which controls it. GLOBALLY 18. There will be a great incident in United Kingdom which will shake the foundation of the country. 19. United States of America should be warned not to go to war this year or else they will be disgraced. They should embrace peace initiatives this year. Any attempt to go to war will lead to disaster as their allies will betray them. 20. The Arab world is likened to Sodom and Gomorrah. Their cup of atrocities is full and the Lord will visit his wrath on them in 2014 unless they repent from their sins says the Lord of host. 21. The financial sector will collapse both in Nigeria and globally. The financial experts will have no remedy for the situation. Nigeria will be hit severely by this crisis. 22. Water will cause major havoc/destruction in three prominent countries. Please warn people to be careful in areas where there is water in advanced countries. N.B. The Lord will protect his elect through the turbulence of 2014.Move nearer to the Lord. Let us pray for the mercy of the Lord on Nigerians and the Nigerian nation. All Spiritual and Religious leaders should intercede with the Lord to avert the looming crisis.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 03:47:12 +0000

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