PREFACE Grey wolf the escape of Adolf Hitler book by Simon - TopicsExpress


PREFACE Grey wolf the escape of Adolf Hitler book by Simon Dunstan and Gerrard WilliamsWE NEVER WANTED THIS STORY TO BE TRUE. It was originally intended to be a quixotic but thought-provoking “conspiracy theory” television documentary. However, extensive research in Argentina, Poland, Germany, Great Britain, and the Canary Island of Fuerteventura produced a compelling dossier of details—backed up by the testimonies of many eyewitnesses—that told a completely different story from the accepted “history” of World War II. In the words of Winston S. Churchill, “History is written by the victors.” Never has this been more true than the untold account of Hitler’s escape from the ruins of the Third Reich in April 1945. The horrifying reality, we believe, is that at the end of World War II the most evil man in the world, Adolf Hitler, escaped from Germany and lived out his life in Argentina—and that his deputy, Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, and Heinrich “Gestapo” Müller, a key figure in the planning of the Final Solution, also escaped justice and joined him there. Equally disturbing is the evidence that America and Britain facilitated the flight of hundreds of erstwhile Nazis, such as the rocket scientist Wernher von Braun and the sadistic torturer Klaus Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon. Both were employed by U.S. government agencies in the postwar years while others were allowed to avoid prosecution and flee to the far corners of the world. Even as this book goes to press in the summer of 2011, a ninety-one-year-old Ukrainian, Ivan “John” Demjanjuk, has been convicted as an accessory to the murder of 28,060 Jews in the Sobibor death camp in Poland some sixty-eight years after the event. For years he lived a comfortable life as an autoworker for the Ford Motor Company in Cleveland, Ohio, before being extradited to Germany in 2009 for trial as a war criminal. There is no concrete forensic evidence that it was Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun who died in the Führerbunker—no eyewitness to the moment of death. The famous “Hitler Skull” fragment held in Moscow for decades has finally been DNA-tested. It is that of a woman under the age of forty and it is not Eva Braun. There is also no absolutely accepted forensic evidence for Martin Bormann’s supposed death; in 1998 German officials claimed that a skeleton buried near the Reichstag matched the DNA of an elderly relative of Bormann’s, who remains nameless; the cremated ashes of the remains were scattered at sea. Bormann’s family refused to accept the findings. Meanwhile, the bones found in Müller’s grave, when exhumed in 1963, were found to be those of three other people. We show for the first time that the “last official pictures of Hitler,” with Artur Axmann and his Hitler Youth on March 20, 1945, are actually of Hitler’s double. Modern science has proved beyond reasonable doubt that the man in the film and still pictures of the event, although bearing a striking resemblance to Hitler, was in fact not him, but one of several doubles. Alf Linney, professor of medical physics at University College London and a noted facial recognition expert witness, reviewed the picture for us and is convinced that it is not Hitler. Hitler was not alone in his use of plausible stand-ins. Stalin had numerous doubles; Churchill at least one. Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery—“Monty”—used one in a successful ruse to mislead the Germans about his movements prior to D-Day in 1944. Magicians have known the trick for hundreds of years. People expect to see what they are shown. It’s called sleight of hand. Martin Bormann carried out the most incredible trick in history on April 28, 1945. The Reichsleiter replaced Hitler with the double from the March 20 appearance. An actress from Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels’s cinematic “stable” of film actresses—aided by the best makeup artists the Reich could find—stood in for Eva Braun. The look-alikes took their places in the Führerbunker as Hitler and Eva made their escape. Bormann carried on the charade for two days until he was sure that the real Hitler was safe. He then staged the fake double suicide of Hitler and his new bride and then callously had Hitler’s double and his bogus bride murdered, almost certainly by “Gestapo” Müller. The escape route into the Berlin subway system is still there. There are similar tunnels in London from the cellars of Buckingham Palace and 10 Downing Street, The escape route into the Berlin subway system is still there. There are similar tunnels in London from the cellars of Buckingham Palace and 10 Downing Street, the residence of the British prime minister, to the London Tube, which would have been used by the British royal family and senior members of the government and military if London had ever fallen to Nazi invaders. The Associated Press and Reuters reported the testimony of the pilot Peter Baumgart, who flew the couple out of Berlin along with Eva’s brother in-law, Gen. Hermann Fegelein, extensively from Warsaw in 1947. But researchers have ignored this until today. Having worked for both of these illustrious press agencies as a lifelong journalist, Gerrard Williams knows how difficult it is to get copy onto the wire. It passes through many subeditors in an exacting process before it can end up in a newspaper column. Newspapers around the world carried the story, although curiously no one ever followed up with Peter Baumgart and he simply disappeared from history after his release in 1951 from Warsaw’s Mokotów Prison (also known as Rakowiecka Prison).
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 04:39:35 +0000

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