PREFACE This book contains teaching materials that represent the - TopicsExpress


PREFACE This book contains teaching materials that represent the latest product of a pioneering effort made by enthusiastic partnership of veteran teachers and active students which aim to promote learning the language in an easier way. Perhaps the best way to describe the motivation, philosophy and development of this book is to quote from the English Coordinator and Adviser of the Education Department of Cagayan State University Andrews Campus: The English language, as our second language, deals with a lot of complexity but it is a must for all students to master it for it is used more often n formal occasion to interact with the intellectuals in the society. It is very commendable to write materials such materials like this to be used as textbooks in classrooms using the joint efforts of dedicated teachers who mastered the field, and students who shared with the ideas to pinpoint their waterloos so they could focus on these aspects because generally speaking, it could be the weaknesses of other learners, too. This book could serve as textbook for students in the intermediate grades and in the secondary level. It is being supported by the Education Department and financed by the English Club of CSU and volunteer education students who is undertaking the project of mastering the English language focusing on grammar. This book is the heart of the course, in which English grammar is not only presented as a mere body of facts but basically as a continuing process by which men constantly seek to understand the nature of the language. Besides this book are closely related parts such as exercises, fixing skills, and standardized tests which could maximize the potentials of the enthusiasts in learning and mastering the language. This book is a work of several students and teachers over a period of several years. A brief account is given at the end of this book, but it is appropriate to recognize these collaborators, (NAME OF PROFESSOR) and (DEAN OF EDUC.) who inspired and motivated the authors, and made this project possible. They played a major role in the development of this book and contributed significant parts to this program. (name) President, English Club Cagayan State University Andrews campus February 2014 During the years English has made a lot of advancement, particularly in the development of the K + 12 program of the Department of Education in the Philippine Education System. In adding the mother tongue to the subjects in the elementary and secondary levels, it added a more complex program to understand English extensively, yet this book will provide a direct study of the format of the English grammar. This will definitely shorten the time to understand and study grammar so as to have time to spend to the other subjects added to the curriculum. This book provides a direct study concentrated in the parts of speech. It will provide a clearer view on the details of the parts of speech which will lead to the basic ideas of constructing sentences, paragraphs and ideas. The fact that there are great demands for comprehending the subject focusing with these topics, we feel that this book will earn confidence for the maximum use of this book among schools both in public and private schools because of our dedication in making this book. (names of authors February 2014 To My Love Joy and love we always share; Only you and me with love I swear. Holding me makes me feel heaven; No matter what, no matter when Volcanoes, storms, and earthquakes come. In single kiss, trials will be gone. Never leave and stay with me; Cause’ I promise, forever we will be. Endless love all I can give; Nothing can break us, in God I believe. Together we will never fall. Geared with blessed with strong relationship; Only you and I can overcome these hardships. My love for you will never fade; Endure me with love, and I’ll be your shade. Zip thy nectar of love and taste the sweetness with me. To The Scam Maiden Through Helen launch a thousand sheep; For Janet Napoles, a billion fish. To allege some alibis and hide the truth; The people are blessed with anger and doom. As she remove the pork in the barrel; She woke the sleeping blood of our fellowmen. What pushes her to make that scandal?; That made our lives miserable and fatal. We thank her for the things she made; That media and neighbors had brought us fame. Newspapers and medias, magazines and computers. Allow us to thank the “Scam Maiden”. How Can We Help Reduce the Effects of Climate Change? Climate change is caused by human errors and devastations. The primordial reason why many of us suffer from this is because of the involvement of man in different unnecessary activities that damage the natural environment that covers the terrestrial, fluvial and aerial portion of the earth. Although there are many environmental groups and organizations, the government can do small to solve this problem. As a part of the society everyone is responsible in taking care of its natural resources. The daily practice of man especially in urban areas and cities contributes to the damage of ozone layer that result climate change. Factories and different establishments were built, the smoke from the cigarette and vehicles and the burning of plastic materials are several causes of climate change. We can do nothing to solve this problem. We cannot recover what has been lost and damage. The only thing we can do is to reduce this problem by educating those people without sufficient knowledge and unaware on what is happening. We must know the effects and possible results in what we are doing. Another thing we can do to help reduce this is by doing simple things by avoiding and refusing in the involvement of such activities that can cause harm to the environment and not to burn plastic materials. Simple things mean a lot. Everyone must be responsible in taking care of the nature they can help reduce climate change by the proper daily practice. “Horsing Around in 2014” Last year we encountered a lot of memorable things in life. A lot of things in the past year can be talked and shared. But after all the things we encountered, these experiences remained part of our past. It is irrevocable and can never turn back. We Filipinos are known for our wealthy culture, beliefs and traditions but we were influenced by other countries. One of the most influencing countries is the China. Chinese taught us Filipinos to believe in”Feng Sui” which is used to believe inn luck though those “lucky charms” The recent year was the year of the water snake and now, 2014 is the year of the wood horse. Horses are believed to be lucky this year, and those people who are born with “Chinese zodiac” of a horse, will be very lucky. The horse symbolizes luck, competition and betrayal. And it is believed also that this year, our country will gain strength to overcome problems and acquire the ability to move fast towards the track of progress. Although many of us believe inn luck and other beliefs we adopt, still some Filipinos believe themselves and Almighty God. WE do not depend on lucky charms but our prayers and efforts, believing and entrusting to our own hand and patience to become successful. “Celebrating Christmas amidst Calamity” Christmas is the most wonderful part of the year and it is fast approaching. Most people probably wonder how should or would they celebrate Christmas due to the numerous unfortunate events and calamities that happened throughout the world Yet we must celebrate Christmas because we Christians , consider this event as the greatest feast in the year, celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. But how can we celebrate if the typhoon that hit to our brothers in the Southern regions is still bleeding despite the aids flowing throughout the world? Nothing can easily compel to that hurt and lost, and the pain of losing their loved ones. From what is left of us, we can still celebrate Christmas by not losing the love and faith we once had from the very start. Sharing the grace from what’s left after these trials, holding on each other’s arms to gain strength and praise to God for He is carrying us now because we’ve drowned. Those are the only thing we can do. Christmas is the time to share and the time to enjoy the lights, sounds and prayers. It is time of feasts and Santa Claus for kids. But because our brothers are in pain, it is time to make a little sacrifice for them. Adopt a child or a family until they are able to stand on their own. A tap on a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear and a lending hand, a comforting smile and an understanding heart. There is so much more we can do for them and that will be celebration of their Christmas day. “If Children will live in Criticism, they learn to Condemn” The work of Nolte shows the face of today’s reality regarding on how children grow depends on what or how people around would treat them. In the line “I, tells how children would feel if people around them especially if their parents always criticize them regarding on things and making things happen. Children are very sensitive; making small things is a big deal to them. The comments and feedbacks will result to their respond of each child. If a man always criticizes a child, he is making the child secluded and feel rejected. And when the child grows, he also criticizes others. Criticizing too much has a great impact to a child and this should not happen. Too much criticizing is an abuse. Who Can Define Love? Many people tried to define ”love”. But even the famous writers can never completely define love. Great poets and writers use symbolic objects to represent love in their literary works. Many people define love as “blind”, for it randomly dictates whom people are going to fall in love with. Some says that “love is patient” that needs time and effort in order to achieve. In my own perception, love is “unknown”, we can never know where, when and whom to be in love. I do also believe that love is an “elevator”. Either you were on top or bottom line; in glad or grief. There are many types of love. There is love for friends, family, relatives which requires respect as the greatest element. There is also the love for friend and foe for trust and forgiveness. The love for yourself and God for all good deeds, fear to God, and relationship with the people and the country. Love is the greatest gift from God that everyone must value. No person can define love unless he comes to it and experience personally to be loved. Love is being acquired by patience trust, loyalty, forgiveness and fear to God. In order to have love and be loved by someone, we should have good relationship to everyone. We can show love not only by saying “I love you” to people, but also showing how we care, respect and value them I different ways. “Ad Optimum Educans” (Educating for the Best) In earlier times, teaching profession is not that popular before. During the time of my grandma and grandpa, and even my mother, they say that it is not that good to teach before. Only few teachers were in the field. Many people prefer not to have teaching as their career because of the low salary.People, before, chooses to become police, doctors, lawyers and others. Today, many are now taking this course as their profession. There are many schools in the country that are now offering education courses resulting to the rapidly increasing number of population in the field of teaching. Many are now having education as their course not only because of the increasing salary but also for the passion and the privilege after finishing the course. The Cagayan state University Andrews was establish on June 11, 1978. The school offers no tuition fee and courses such as Entrepreneurship and Accounting, Hotel and Industry Management, Education and Medicine courses. The situation aims to build the life and character of very student to compete and to deal harmoniously to the society. The school is known for the said courses specially the education. At its existence, the contribution continuously help contributes to the development of individual by teaching them to love their courses. It tells and shows that everyone is equal and education is not an opportunity but privilege.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 12:32:59 +0000

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