PREPARATION FOR DEATH. CONSIDERATION 1, FIRST POINT (B) Still greater horrow will b excited when d body begins 2 putrefy. 24 hours hav not elapsed since d death of that young man & his body has already begun 2 exhale an offensive smell. D windows must b opend, a great quantity of incense must b used, & 2 prevent d communication of disease 2 d living, he must soon b transfered 2 d church & buried in d earth. If he has been one of d rich or noble of d world, his body shall sent forth a more intolerable stench. Behold d end of that proud, lewd & voluptuous man. B4 death, desired & sought after by all, now, becom an object of horrow & disgust 2 all who behold him. His relatives are in haste 2 remov him from d house, they hire men 2 shut him up in a coffin, 2 carry him 2 d grave side & throw him into d grave. During life, d fame of his wit, of his politeness, of d elegance of his manners & of his facetiousness, was spread abroad, but after death he is soon forgotten. His memory has perished with a noise.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 22:16:08 +0000

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