PREPARATION FOR DEATH. CONSIDERATION 3, FIRST POINT, ARTICLE (A) TOPIC: DEATH COMES QUICKLY: What is your life ?. It is lika a vapor, which is dissipated by a blast of wind, and is seen no more. All know that they must die but the delusion of many is that they imagine death as far off as if it were never to arrive. The life of man is like the life of a blade of grass, death comes and the grass is dried up. Behold, life ends and the flower of all greatness and all worldly goods falls off. Death runs to meet us more swiftly than a post, and we at every moment run towards death. Every step, every breath brings us nearer to our end. We all die and like the waters that return no more we fall into the earth. Behold how the stream flows to the sea, and the passing water never returns, thus my brother your days pass by and you approach death. Pleasures, amusements, pomps, praises and acclamations pass away and what remains ?. Only the grave remaineth for me. (At about 5 pm this evening an okada rider was shot dead by a mobile police man at New Parts junction, Nkpor, Anambra state. His colegues testified that his wife just put to bed their 4th child yesterday. At the back of his bick he was carring food items for the family. His sins were not greater than ours, see how he ended. Today it was him, tomorrow it could be me or you. Who knows the fate of this man ?. What could become of his eternity). Affections and Prayer: O God and Lord of infinite majesty, we your children are ashamed to appear befoere Thee. How ofton we have dishonored Thee by preferring to Thy grace a sordid pleasure, a little dust, the indulgence of anger or vanity. By our sins we inflict injury to Thy Holy wounds. O Redeemer we pray Thee that through these wounds You grant us pardon and salvation. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 23:11:42 +0000

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