PREPARATION FOR DEATH. CONSIDERTION 2, 3RD POINT, ARTICLE (A). TOPIC: LET US HATEN TO GIVE OURSELVES TO GOD: David called the happiness of this life a dream of one who awakes from sleep. In expaining these words a certain author sayys: The goods of this world appear great but they are nothing: like a dream which lasts but a little and afterward vanishes. They are enjoyed but a short time. The thought that with death all ends made St. Francis Borgia resolve to give himself entirely to God. The saint was obliged to accompany the dead body of the Empress Isabella to Grenada. When the corfin was opened, her appearance was so horrible and the smell so intolerable that all ran away. But St. Francis remained to contemplate in the dead body of his sovereign, the vanity of the world and looking at it he exlaimed: are you then my empress ?. Are you the queen before whom so many bent their knee in reverential awe ?. O Isabella where is your majesty, where is your beauty ?. All is gone ?. Then he said within himself, "end the greatness and the crowns of this world, I will, therefore, henceforth serve a master who can never die". From that moment he cosecrated himself to the love of Jesus crucified. Why are there so many unhappy lovers of this world ?, it is because they do not think of death. O yee sons of men, how long will you be dull of heart ?. Why do you love vanity and seek after lying ?. Miserable children of Adam, why do you not chase away from your heart so many eartly affections, which make you love vanity and lies ?. My brother, give yourself to God before death comes upon you. Whatsoever thy hand is able to do, do it earnestly. What you can do today defer not till tomorrow, for a day once passed never returns and tomorrow death may come and prevent you from evermore beeing able to do good. Detach yourself at once from everything which can remove you from God. Let us renounce in affection the goods of this world b4 death stipes us of them by force. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 18:35:21 +0000

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