PREPARE FOR THE PALACE Jet.52:33 So Jehoiachin put aside his - TopicsExpress


PREPARE FOR THE PALACE Jet.52:33 So Jehoiachin put aside his prison clothes and for the rest of his life ate regularly at the kings table. Jer. 52:33, NIV Jehoiachin took off his prison garb and from then on ate his meals in company with the king. Jer. 52:33,Msg The PALACE and the PRISON are two extremely opposite conditions of life. Many folks born for the palace are constrained in the prisons of FRUSTRATIONS, DISAPPOINTMENTS, FRUITLESSNESS, HUNGER, DISEASES, UNEMPLOYMENT, HOMELESSNESS, CHILDLESSNESS, FAILURE, REJECTION, AND CONFUSION. This is what the enemy enjoys doing - to reduce a man born for the palace to nothing, and constrain him within the four walls of the prison so he would not fulfill DESTINY. He did it to; 1. Jephtha, Jug.11:1-2 2. Joseph, Gen.37:18-20 3. David, 1Sam.16:6-11 4. Esther, Est.2:5-7 5. Jabez, 1Chr.4:9 6. Mephibosheth, 2Sam.9:3 But it is interesting to note that no matter how hard the enemy tried, and no matter how long he tried, these men and women, trusting in the Lord, got their deliverance. Each of them came out of his/her prison triumphantly and lived to fulfill the purposes for which they came into this world. A day came for each of them when they came out of their prisons, put aside their prison clothes, and took their place in the palace. Jehoiachin had his own share of the enemys attack on his DESTINY a. He was imprisoned. b. He was clothed in prison clothes, in shame. c. He was disconnected from society; from friends and relations. d. He lost his freedom. e. He lost his will power. But this was a man born for greatness, to sit in the company of kings, and to eat from the kings table. We do not know for how long he was in this condition. But a day came for him. It was his day of CHANGE. His PRISON CLOTHES were given up for a KINGLY GARB. That day saw him out of the PRISON and into the PALACE. Not only did his clothes change, his MEALS changed. SHAME walked out of his life as GLORY walked in...Isa.60:1. That day was his turning point. It does not matter what your present condition is, your case cannot be different. There is a TURNING POINT in every mans life, and you may just be at your own turning point. There is no doubt that the enemy has come this far with you, but no further. Prepare for the palace because your day of crowning, your day of coronation, your day of celebration may be closer than you think. And as it was with Jehoiachin, it is time for you to head for the palace, in the COMPANY OF KINGS. That is where the GLORY is. And that is where you belong. Not in the company of prisoners. And should there be any strong man to contend your destiny on any ground, he is sure to go the way of his fore-father, Goliath...1Sam.17:48-50. While you enjoy the rest of the week, remember that HEAVEN is the ULTIMATE. Therefore, never DO what you cannot DEFEND. Never GO where you cannot DECLARE. The Lord keep you and release to you the grace such as is sufficient for the rest of your walk with Him.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 08:42:54 +0000

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