PREPARE FOR YOUR MIRACLE. TEXT: 2 KINGS 4:8-17 KEY VERSE: “And he said unto him, Say now unto her, Behold, thou hast been careful for us with all this care; what is to be done for thee? wouldest thou be spoken for to the king, or to the captain of the host? And she answered, I dwell among mine own people” (2 Kings 4:13). Many people suffer lack and deprivation in life, not because God is unmindful of their situation, but because He is waiting for them to do something to trigger their expected breakthrough in life. It is the best example of the divine- human partnership which illustrates the saying that you reap what you sow. The Shunamite woman had noticed that Elisha was visiting their town regularly. But she obviously did not know he was a prophet. Yet, she prevailed on him to eat dinner in her house each time he was in town. She went a step further to persuade her husband, and they both prepared and furnished an apartment in their house for Elisha to lodge in whenever he visited. One day, as he was resting in the apartment, Elisha sent for the woman. When she came, he appreciated all the care and hospitality she had lavished on him and his servant. He then asked her if there was anything he could do for her. The woman said she needed nothing. But Elisha’s servant told him that the woman had no child, and her husband was now old. Promptly, Elisha called her back, and declared: “About this season, according to the time of life, thou shall embrace a son.” Despite her mild uncertainty, she conceived and was delivered of a son as Elisha had told her. We have the ability to obtain what we need from the Lord. We should not spend our time moaning about all we lack. Instead, we should pray and have faith in God. We should show hospitality and kindness to other men, even strangers. We should show love and care for the servants of God under whose ministry we are receiving spiritual nourishment. We should render sacrificial service to the household of faith. We should spare no effort to put a smile on the faces of those in need. When we give to God and men, He will return same to us in good and abundant measure. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Good deeds are like light; shine it in your corner and it will stretch from earth to heaven.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 10:35:16 +0000

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