PREPARETION FOR RAMADAN. The Qur’an says: Wazhakir faina - TopicsExpress


PREPARETION FOR RAMADAN. The Qur’an says: Wazhakir faina zhikra, tanfau-l-Mumineen: “And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers.” We have to remind ourselves that there is no better time than now to prepare for the month. In fact, our preparations should have reached crescendo, bearing in mind that it is less than two weeks from now. The companions of the Prophet began preparation for the glorious month six months in advance. Some of us delude ourselves thinking that when Ramadan comes, we will suddenly change and perform all the acts of worship. If we fail to internalise the acts or make adequate preparations for the month, by now, we may not be doing ourselves any good. That is why some Muslims after the first week or so, return to their former selves. We are used to seeing mosques always filled at the beginning of the month but thin out after a couple of weeks into Ramadan, especially during Tarawih. This is merely because of the ill preparations and planning for the exercise. We can now make a good preparation, no matter the time. First, draw a list of things you will do in Ramadan and how you will achieve them. Some of the activities we need to prepare for include the following: Recitation of Qur’an One important act is the recitation of the Qur’an. For many of us, the Qur’an has been abandoned since the last Ramadan. So, we must clean it and start to build a close relationship with the Holy Book. You need to constantly read the Qur’an if you are not the type that makes it your daily companion. Perhaps, you can read to test yourself on speed and accuracy in order to determine how fast you can complete the Qur’an in a month. Some can complete the Qur’an two or three times over within four weeks. So, let us get into the habit of reciting the Qur’an now rather than begin it in the month of Ramadan. Again, it is not enough to read the Qur’an but you have to ponder over it intermittently to internalise the meaning. We should set ourselves realistic targets on how much we want to recite daily. We could recite two or four pages a day, half a juz, or one juz; we can then manage and build up gradually. Superrogatory prayers: Endeavour to always perform some superrogatory prayers, (nafil). We should start now by observing all the daily supperogatory prayers. This will enable us to get accustomed to observing the Sunnah and Nafils in Ramadan and even increase them during the month. By increasing our voluntary worship, we can also give more attention and concentration to our regular daily salat and thus, gain closeness to Allah. Making Dua: What better time than now to get into the habit of regular communication with Allah via Dua. By the time Ramadan arrives, we would have already gotten into the habit of making the long and intense dua during this blessed month especially while fasting and in the later part of the night during Tahajjud. Charity: Ramadan is a time for generosity and giving. It is a time we think about the less privileged and also show gratitude to Allah for everything He has given us. Ramadan is a blessed month, and the rewards for charity are in multiple. Therefore, we should set aside part of our wealth to fulfil this act of ibadaah. It will not be nice if we are caught in the web of ill preparation and found wanting in this profitable act. Moderation in eating: Some erroneously believe that a few weeks before Ramadan, they have to eat voraciously to make up for the period of fasting. This is antithetical to the teachings of the Prophet. One hadith says: ”No human ever filled a vessel worse than the stomach. Sufficient for any son of Adam are some morsels to keep his back straight. But if it must be, then one third for his food, one third for his drink and one third for his breath.” (Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasaa’I, Ibn Majah ) Besides, by controlling what we eat now, it will help us a great deal in our quest for sound health and enable us to worship more everyday during Ramadan. Change your sleeping habit If you are an individual who is used to sleeping throughout the night, it may be wise to change your sleeping patterns in order to ensure that you don’t miss your suhoor as well as attaining the benefit of Qiyaamul-Layl. Controlling your tongue and character. We must start controlling our tongues now. Bad habit can not be controlled in an overnight process. We must make a start now so that by the time Ramadan comes, we would have achieved the necessary changes in our manners and characters. Let us begin to feel that Ramadan is here and ensure that everything we do falls within what is permitted during the month. We pray Allah to give us the grace to witness this forthcoming Ramadan, observe it and grant us the strength and ability to maximise the rewards therein. O’ Allah save us from the punishment of the hereafter. Amin.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 08:20:16 +0000

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