PREPOSITIONS –post 2 This whole post is dedicated to the - TopicsExpress


PREPOSITIONS –post 2 This whole post is dedicated to the prepositions mentioning or related to “the time”. I know this post is very lengthy. I can post this matter in 2 different posts. But If I separate this matter into 2 posts, the flow among several things will be disconnected. That is why I will give this whole thing in one post. The following different prepositions are used when telling about different times. ON : --days of the week. Examples: He is coming “on Monday”. They are visiting “on Wednesday”. IN : --Months (particular name of the month) --seasons (particular name of the season) --time of day (in the morning/afternoon/evening/night/mid night) --after a certain period of time (when?) (years ,months, days, hours, minutes, seconds) --year (exact number of the year) Now see the below examples. We are going to America in August. (months) They repair our house in winter. (season) You should wake up early in the morning. (time of day) That medicine was discovered in 2006. (year) She will come from Australia in 4 years. (after a certain period of time) Our course will be completed in 6 months. (after a certain period of time) Don’t worry. You will be all alright in 2 days. (after a certain period of time) The exam will be completed in an hour. (after a certain period of time) The movie starts in 10 minutes. (after a certain period of time) They completed their running in 48 seconds. (after a certain period of time) AT : --night --weekend --a certain point of clock mentioned time (when?) Now see the examples. You should come home at night. My dad is planning to go to exhibition at the weekend. You should complete the exam sharply at 5.00 pm. (a certain point of clock mentioned time) SINCE : --from a certain point of time (past till now). ex: I have been studying my course since 2012. Note : we will discuss more about “since” in “present perfect continuous tense”. FOR : --over a certain period of time (past till now). Ex:I have been studying my course for 2 years. Note : we will discuss more about “for” in “present perfect continuous tense”. AGO : --earlier than a given “period of time” in the past. Ex:Two years ago, I was in Uzbekistan. BEFORE : --earlier than a certain point of time. Ex:Before 2004, I was in Uzbekistan. To : --telling the time Ex: It is now ten to six (5:50). PAST : --telling the time Ex: It is now ten past six (6:10). TO /TILL /UNTIL : --marking the beginning and end of a period of time Ex: usually we work from Monday to/till Friday. TILL / UNTIL : --in the sense of how long something is going to last. Ex : He is on holiday until Friday. BY : --in the sense of at the latest --up to a certain time see the below examples. I will be back by 6 o’clock. By 11 oclock, I had read five pages. Friends, within 10 minutes, you may not remember all these things. no problem.. take your own time. prepare these things well. write your own examples. you need to write 100s of examples. If you have any doubts, please ask.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 08:03:10 +0000

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