PRESENT INDUSTRIAL ACTION, WHO IS TO BE BLAME? - By Oyetunji Ayooluwa The present struggle (industrial action) in the education sector which has put both the student and the parent in a state of confusion on who to shift the blame on. The strike which was embarked on since july 1st 2013 by the Academic staff union of universities (ASUU) to press their demand, the strike action which also open ground for criticism from different angle, from students, parent, human right activist, public commentators, groups, NANS, ASUU, Federal Government (FG) etc… Who exactly is to be blame, Federal Government, Academic Staff Union of Universities or National Association of Nigeria Students? When the strike was embarked On in july, majority of the people blamed the Federal Government for not meeting the lecturer’s demand that was duly signed by both parties (FG & ASUU). A committee led by Governor Gabriel Suswan of benue state was set up to look into the matter and the striking lecturer was called for negotiation. Meeting upon meeting was held between the committee and ASUU executive BUT all were fruitless since they were unable to reach a consensus. Later on, the Government decided to release the sum of #100b for infastructural development of the universities across the nation and #30b for the teacher’s allowance out of the claimed #87b. This offer was rejected as the striking lecturers insist of full implementation of the 2009 agreement, not limited to that, the angry or striking lecturers pulled out of negotiation with the Government and also refuse to shift ground. This action by the Union made some people and students to see the union to be proving stubborn and inconsiderate while majority begged and still begging the striking lecturers to accept the offer by Government and resume school academic activities, BUT all the plead fall on the lecturer’s deaf ear as they insist on FULL IMPLEMENTATION. The same citizen that blamed the Government initially starts blaming the Union (ASUU) that they are Inconsiderate while some continue pleading to them to accept the offer and resume work. BUT who exactly is to be blame? The Democratic system of Government we are running in this country (government of the people, by the people and for the people) of which what should be the major concern of our leaders is the WELFARISM of the citizen (ASUU inclusive) not 2015. Significant percentage of parents in Nigeria have atleast a child in higher institution and since july 1st going to 3months, the university students were denied of academic activities in their various schools due to the strike action. Is the WELFARISM of Nigeria citizens the Government concern or 2015?. Who exactly is to be blame? Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) is the umbrella of all the university teachers across the nation. We should not forget that ASUU is a UNION and the primary/paramount AIM & OBJECTIVES of a union is to protect the interest of its member. This is among the reasons which keeps the angry lecturer’s going on with the strike and the decision not to withdraw their sword until their demand is fully met and also not to fail in protecting the interest of their members. Who Exactly Is To Be Blame? National Association of Nigeria Students (NANS) is a general body as well, it comprises of all the students of the whole federation and it is also a UNION. The fact still remains that a UNION is there to safeguard the interest of its member. The interest of almost all university student is to resume academic activities in their various schools and not to be wasting our precious time wandering the street or sitting down at home idle. All what the NANS executive keep saying in all the daily newspapers is passing VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE on Government, all are mere words no action for the past 3months. * Is the welfarism of citizens the Government Concern or 2015? * Has NANS executive NOT failed in her paramount obligation (since the exco has refused to safeguard the interest of the students)? * What exactly is the effort of NANS to resolve the strike? * Do we still have concern and passionate leaders or I DON’T CARE GOVERNMENT? * WHO EXACTLY IS TO BE BLAME- FG ASUU NANS?? We should all know our stand and who to be blame for this present industrial action.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 22:00:07 +0000

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