PRESERVING AND PROTECTING THE INTEGRITY OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND THE ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACITITIES ORDINANCE The Comprehensive Plan and the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance were developed to produce reasoned, sensible growth with a balanced approach as it relates to growth in Queen Anne’s County. These plans serve us well as we discuss the future of Queen Anne’s County and I strongly support preserving the integrity of both. We need to keep taxes low in Queen Anne’s County and we can do this with planned growth, with growth comes the need to think ahead before adding services that will cost taxpayers more money. I believe we can have reasoned, sensible growth and maintain the integrity of the Comp Plan and the APFO. Queen Anne’s County cannot shut the doors on opportunity and with that opportunity comes some growth. That “opportunity growth “comes with some development which can occur within the guidelines of the Comp Plan and the APFO. TOURISM, A MAJOR OPPORTUNITY FOR GROWTH Queen Anne’s County is unique in all of Maryland. The first European settlement, in Maryland, was on Kent Island in 1631. Founded by William Claiborne who purchased the land from the Susquehannocks For 12 pounds. In 1706 Kent Island became part of Queen Anne’s County. At that time the county was ruled by Royal decree. What a wonderful story we have to tell and it can be told by a living museum. Enactors dressed in period costumes demonstrating the crafts of the era. A Native American encampment, British solders drilling in the square and farmers harvesting their crops, lend themselves to an educational experience few would want to miss. A possible site for the living museum is the old outlet mall. Thousands of potential visitors pass the site every day. Gift shops and restaurants would flourish, as would buggy rides. This could serve as a link to historic Centreville. An annual county fair at 4H Park would be linked to the museum. INVITE A HOTEL RESORT TO BUILD IN QUEEN ANNE’S COUNTY If Queen Anne’s County had a resort hotel why would tourists drive to the Hyatt in Cambridge? The added benefits of a living Museum and the Aspen Institute conference center serve to enhance guests Opportunities. A marina located at the hotel would attract boaters with money to Spend. They would spend it, not only at the hotel, but also elsewhere in the area. This would present another opportunity for taxis and shuttle buses to provide jobs for people residing in the county. WHAT RESULT CAN BE EXPECTED While most of the jobs will be living wage jobs, we would add high paying jobs to the county, this would be created by tourism and a resort hotel, and the primary benefit would be a major influx of Money. That money would have a ripple effect. The first benefit would be the construction of the facilities, followed by purchasing of supplies, food and Equipment. This puts money in the hands of local people. Property taxes are an obvious benefit, as is whatever income tax the county would receive from the Employees.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 15:26:55 +0000

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