PRESIDENT GOODLUCK JONATHAN HAS ACHIEVED THE UNDERLISTED; AND WE ARE VERY PROUD AND CAN POINT FINGERS AT THEM. NOW FOR PRESIDENT JONATHANS NAY SAYERS: OKUPE HAS CASH FOR YOU IF YOU CAN SHOW HIM 1 OR MORE THINGS BUHARI HAS ACHIEVED IN ALL HIS 73 YEARS. HURRY THERES MONEY TO BE MADE. READ ON ENJOY: Okupe, gave a challenge, till now none of you have taken him up on it and he even gave a cash incentive. Please take up the trivial pursuit, take Okupe on, tell us all Buhari, did or has done in 73 years of living on earth to assuage the plights of Nigerians or even his region. In six years of living in this country I have seen the things happen. I met a very bad country in a very bad shape, with malodorous fumes of bad governance and sad state of irredeemable formation. 1. THE RAILWAYS: The rail systems are now working with modern and contemporary, up to date trains. I have been on these trains twice now, and I can tell you it is the best. I know trains and when I see one I can tell. Petroleum products go by rails now, to some Northern states in Nigeria and it cuts the time of travel by three days and cost by half. I know what I am saying. Lagos/ Kano is working on full-force and Nigerians that commute through it are grateful to Jonathan. This was in a comatose state for over thirty years. I have heard of Abuja, but I dont know, so I wont talk about what I have not experienced first-hand. Check it out yourself. Don’t sit on fb and shout, caterwaul and puke catharsis, when you have not checked them out. 2. AGRICULTURE: This sector is going through such a revolution that food for the first time ever in the history of this nation, during festive seasons, have gone down and even cheaper than what they ever were before now. Nigerians can bear me witness. During festive seasons in Nigeria, prices normally move from the roof to the sky but that has not happened this time. We are under austerity measures, and our currency has been devalued, yet this is happening. Isnt this a great sign of a government that is working? The poor too did not cry during Christmas but had a beautiful Christmas. 3. AJAOKUTA:This rolling mill is being revamped to the standard that gave it the pride of being the third best rolling mill in the world. That rolling mill was almost sold out by OBJ, the Indians stole almost all the equipments and machines out of that place but the Russians are here, revamping it now, and bringing it up to the standard to enjoy its former glory. Buhari, stopped that project when he scuttled a democratically elected government of Shagari. Thanks to the good prescience of a President that truly cares. GEJ. Ajaokuta/Warri rail is fully functional now, billed to transport billets to and from the two places for onward distribution to all the areas needed. Please don’t argue stupidly, take me up on it and go come back and tell the good story and pass the good tidings to Nigerians. I know what I am saying because, I know the Russian investors. 4. AIRPORTS: Our airports are functioning maximally now, go and check and works and refurbishments are still ongoing. Some states in the South East are now with first class airports. 5. EDUCATION: Every state in Nigeria today has a Federal university and Almajiri schools have been built across all the states in the North, but their leaders are not encouraging their youths to take that advantage and better themselves, but rather buying ammunitions, and arsenals for them to kill and maim each other in a bid to grab power. The universe is watching and comeuppance awaits them that I know for a fact. 6. NEW NIGER BRIDGE: The second Niger Bridge is seeing the light of the day and work is robustly going on here and soon before the end of 2017, it has been estimated to start working fully. The deep sea Port promised in the East has been commissioned and work would soon commence. 7. ROADS: Our roads net-work have been brought back to life overnight, most of the roads were death-traps. Abuja/Lokoja, is a dual carriageway now, I ply that road from Lagos to Abuja, then Abuja/Lokoja, I nearly died on that one time very bad road. Please if you have gone on that road come here and say it. It’s a master piece. I know how it was four years ago and I know how it is now. Benin/Ore road, so many roads that I can’t put a finger to, I can’t say what I do not know. All these are verifiable facts, please do so. 8. AUTOMOBILE: Our automobile industry is back to scratch, ask (INNOISON, SCOA, LANRE SHITTU MOTORS, ELIZADE), to mention but a few. We have all the assembly plants here now and youths are employed in this sector. Cars not made in UK are assembled in UK. Cars are being assembled in Nigeria too. It is now cheaper to buy a new car, I mean any brand and model than to buy or import second-hand cars with sometimes knocked down engines from abroad. You can also get car finance from banks with options to pay for four years, if you are on a viable, sustainable employment or business. I am not just talking, don’t take my word for it go and investigate. 9. LIGHT: Yes, the light situation has not been perfect yet, but it is a work-in-progress, personally I have seen and felt the ground shifting. I have seen service charge moved from millions to thousands because the money was mainly going into buying diesel, but that is history now. 10. HEALTH SECTOR: Health-care delivery, our hospitals are now better with modern hospital equipments and machines and facilities. A friend with an eye issue was sent an hospital in Ife, she used to live abroad, she came back and said Portia, Nigeria is getting better. Shes a regular visitor to the government hospital in that state now. A friend had a successful (IVF), done in Nigeria, a government hospital for less than N500K as against what should have been about $30K in the USA or about $20K in UK. Find out. That sector has received a big boost beyond believe. Folks are successfully doing operations in our hospitals now. A cousin just done a hip replacement and the cost was minimal. It is not perfect yet but slowly we are getting there. Don’t sit and rant, please take me up on all these; if I have lied or erred I am ready to explain and apologize. It is wrong to talk about what you don’t know just because you want to put someone else down. Stop it. 11.EMPOWERMENT: WOMEN LOANS: I live both in UK and Nigeria but mainly in Nigeria, if you need anything done you get up and look for it. No one spoon-feeds anyone. If you are a woman with a good viable business and a good business plan, go to CBN, website, check for SMEs and go apply for a loan, it is for business women only. That loan is for ten years with single digit interest rates. Minimum N200K maximum N5M. When you get it come and thank me privately. Stop wasting your time on fb hating the wrong person, get off your ass and try. Also try sure-P, it works, I have written here about my protege that was given the funds for palm oil mining, hes exporting now, I went to Akwa Ibom to visit him on my way to my state of origin, Cross River State. If you dont knock the door wont open, if you don not seek you wont find, if you dont ask, you wont get the answers. Vote for Buhari, the call is yours take it and answer it, I am not stopping you, but stop the lies because as religious people, and so called adherents, your beliefs admonished that you do not lie, if you continue may that which you believe in judge you and apportion the punishment on you accordingly. I say Amen, I hope you also say Amen. Take me up on all these, I am willing, able and ready to be confronted by any one but make sure you have your facts up to scratch, for I have mine. I challenged someone to go to Ebutte Metta, and see the trains, he did and came back to confirm the good work. If you dont want to know, that is your problem, but dont come and talk like you do, when you dont, that is so not cool. You must also do same, go and investigate or forever hold your peace. Like Dr Doyin Okupe, asked you to do, please give us ten things that Buhari has done in seventy three years of his life to assuage the plights of Nigerians. No insults but factual points.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 04:06:00 +0000

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