PRESIDENT JONATHAN: AN UNINITIATED POLITICAL INVESTOR “Among recent Nigerian heads-of-state, President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan had a good chance to set himself apart from the rest. Unfortunately, he squandered the political capital loaned to him by the anxious people of Nigeria. His reign began at the most opportune time for an astute statesman to shine. It was not the finest of times for Nigeria. The land was hopelessly lost to corruption; the malaise of nepotism was endemic; and the palpable paucity in the land was thriving unhindered. The culture of venerating the corrupt to survive was pervasive, and the irrational voices of the bootlickers were drowning the scarce voices of reasoning. All eyes were on the newly invented President Jonathan, ‘the erudite, groundbreaking, and path-finding leader,’ to save the day. An insightful political entrepreneur would have seized the occasion, by pitching his tent with the people, through forthright battling of the corrupt clique, and investing the money gained from the process in the basic needs of reliable electricity, durable road network, and life-saving medical facilities. After all, the nation’s problems were too many to be resolved instantaneously. Hence, an adroit leader would have selected and unraveled a few of the most pressing ones. Instead of aligning himself with the people, the president moved in with the insatiable, immoral, and unpatriotic cabal that brought the nation to her knees. He created a modern government of the corrupt, by the unethical, for a famished and self-devaluing people. Now, the nation is populated with futureless infants, throngs of unwaged youth, and hordes of discontented grownups. The commander-in-chief succeeded in building a wall of resentment between him and the people by celebrating mediocrity, pardoning the corrupt, envisaging amnesty for the terrorists, and acquitting the murderers. What a licentious way to spend the political capital held in trust for a tired, worn, and anxious people!” – DELE AJAJA
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 05:34:44 +0000

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