PRESIDENT JONATHAN AND 2015: the national conference and political - TopicsExpress


PRESIDENT JONATHAN AND 2015: the national conference and political strategy behind gathering the 492 political elites. The democratic politics is about the decision of majority and participation of all citizens in decision making (processes) concerning the life of day to day activities of all citizens of a nation. Nigeria has a population of about 170 million. We have 109 members as Senators and 360 House of Representatives that were elected by the majority of Nigerians; to formulate laws/check and balance that can harmonize and improve the governance, economic viability and social standard of Nigerians. And they have been backed by the countrys constitution. But the question that is bubbling in the minds of scholars and experts in Nigeria and around the world; what is the essence of conducting the (so) called National Conference? Whats going to be achieved at the end of the conference? What is the political strategy behind the issue? On what basis or framework will the whole issue be placed? Different scholars and experts may have different opinions and analysis on the issue. In my candid view and understanding; the National Conference must have political and economic motives behind the scene. And it seems that the whole strategy is to divert the attention of Nigerians on the failures of the current central government more especially on economic aridity among individual Nigerians and more on what we call (in political economy) stagflation (low production, inflation and unemployment) among the citizens. The Nigerian Bureau of Statistics report indicate that 64 millions youth in Nigeria are unemployed. The failure of security, electricity energy, poor and sub-standard education, poor health facilities and above all corruption; like a rainy season in both public and private sectors. On the issue of governance, all the 33 principles (Nigerias elections the worst in the world) of democracy have been undermined and Nigerias democracy is now in shambles for sustaining fractures and (now) in a state of fragility, tatters and seems to be moving into political eclipse or even political oblivion. How can all these problems be solved? Can the National conference address the said anomalies? If yes, how? If not, why not? Or can the National Conference divert attention on the issues of political system and re-structuring the Nigerian nation? I hope the 492 political elites will take note of all the questions mentioned above. And again, the said 7billion Naira allowances will not divert their attention on addressing the issues that are rattling the common man of Nigerian nation. May God save Nigeria.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 08:00:03 +0000

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