PRESIDENT JOYCE BANDA WANTS TO PLUNGE MALAWI INTO CHAOS, ELECTION RIGGING PLANS EXPOSED This is a humble appeal to Her Excellency acting President Joyce Hilda Mtila Banda, please do not try to plunge the peaceful Malawi nation into chaos. A majority of Malawians are very bitter with your 2-year temporary leadership and on May 20th, they would like to usher in a government they want. Every effort you are making to rig the elections is being exposed and this should have taught you a lesson. Malawians are not fools and you cannot force yourself on them. Cassim Mkwinda, 37, of TA Katuli in Mangochi who was caught by vigilant citizens in Mchesi, Lilongwe and handed over to Police has revealed it all. Although acting President Joyce Banda has ordered for his protection and that of the computers he was caught with, the truth is already in public domain. Electoral Commissioner Nancy Tembo, a family friend of acting President Joyce Banda and her sister Anjimile Mtila Oponyo shamelessly goes to the media defending the culprit without any form of investigation, saying he is a Mozambican. Then this shameless Joyce Banda government goes on to issue a foolish statement by the ‘Mozambique High Commission’ on a Malawi Government letter head. On Tuesday, Bright Kampaundi and Fryson Chonzi both of the Forum for National Development (FOND) were caught red handed in Ntcheu obtaining voter registration cards from people and have them scanned. An alert Malawian citizen found it inappropriate for the two to be obtaining people’s voter registration cards, have them scanned and return them. The villagers were fooled by Chief Kwataine to come to his residence that they would be registered for government loans if they bring their voter registration cards as evidence. Kampaundi and Chonzi both stooges of acting President Joyce Banda and the PP drove to the chief’s residence in a Toyota Noah vehicle and a double cabin. It is sad that even Mr Steve Duwa of MESN has joined betrayers of Malawians satisfying his belly through continuous financing of rigging trips by acting President Joyce Hilda Mtila Banda. Duwa’s latest adventure was to Zimbabwe just over a week ago. PEOPLE WHO DON’T LOVE MALAWI, TAKE THEM TO TASK Fellow Malawians if anything happens in the country, the following people are the key characters involved; President Joyce Banda and her husband Richard Banda, Roy and Geoffrey Kachale, Osward Lutepo, Humphrey Mvula, Muhabi Chisi, Emmanuel Chimkwita Phiri, Nancy Tembo, Willie Kalonga, Justice Maxon Mbendera, Brigadier Reuben Ngwenya, Joseph Iron, Nelson Bophani, Steve Duwa, Elias Wakuda Kamanga, Ken Zikhale Ng’oma and Henry Odillo. If any chaotic thing happens before and after the polls leading to loss of life, these are the people who should be prosecuted by the next government. Achoke! Achoke! Achoke!!!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 07:43:14 +0000

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